Package oracle.kv

Class RequestLimitException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, oracle.kv.impl.util.FastExternalizable

public class RequestLimitException extends FaultException
Thrown when a request cannot be processed because it would exceed the maximum number of active requests for a node as configured via KVStoreConfig.setRequestLimit(oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig). This exception may simply indicate that the request limits are too strict and need to be relaxed to more correctly reflect application behavior. It may also indicate that there is a network issue with the communications path to the node or that the node itself is having problems and needs attention. In most circumstances, the KVS request dispatcher itself will handle node failures automatically, so this exception should be pretty rare.

When encountering this exception it's best for the application to abandon the request, and free up the thread, thus containing the failure and allowing for more graceful service degradation. Freeing up the thread makes it available for requests that can be processed by other healthy nodes.

See Also: