Class SubscriptionInsufficientLogException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, oracle.kv.impl.util.FastExternalizable

public class SubscriptionInsufficientLogException extends FaultException
Exception used to indicate that the logs on at least one shard were insufficient for the purposes of the stream. This exception cannot be handled by retrying to establish a subscription with the same StreamPosition.

Note that this exception is not actually thrown but is delivered to the NoSQLSubscriber via the Subscriber.onError(java.lang.Throwable) signal.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getSubscriberId

      public NoSQLSubscriberId getSubscriberId()
      Gets the subscriber ID.
      the subscriber ID
    • getInsufficientLogShards

      public Set<oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId> getInsufficientLogShards()
      Gets all shards with insufficient logs to stream
      shards with insufficient logs to stream
    • getTables

      public Set<String> getTables()
      Gets subscribed tables
      subscribed tables
    • getReqVLSN

      public long getReqVLSN(oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId id)
      Gets requested VLSN to stream for a given shard
      id - id of the given shard
      requested VLSN to stream