Uses of Package

Packages that use oracle.kv.table
This package contains the public API for using Oracle NoSQL Database.
This package contains the public API and Utilities for accessing Oracle NoSQL Database data through Oracle Database External Tables.
Support for running MapReduce jobs against data written to an Oracle NoSQL Database via the Table API.
Provides the classes used to define a Subscription to all logical changes (table row puts and deletes) made to a NoSQL store.
This package contains the majority of the public API for using Oracle NoSQL Database query language.
Table support for Oracle NoSQL Database.
  • Classes in oracle.kv.table used by oracle.kv
    RecordDef represents a record type, which specifies a set of RecordValues that conform to this type.
    RecordValue extends FieldValue to represent a record value.
    TableAPI is a handle for the table interface to an Oracle NoSQL store.
    Interface to the specialized Iterator type returned by the iterator methods in the oracle.kv.table package.
    WriteOptions is passed to store operations that can update the store to specify non-default behavior relating to durability, timeouts and expiry operations.
  • Class
    Row is a specialization of RecordValue to represent a single record, or row, in a table.
  • Class
    PrimaryKey is a specialization of Row to represent a primary key used to access records in a table using the TableAPI.
    Row is a specialization of RecordValue to represent a single record, or row, in a table.
  • Class
    PrimaryKey is a specialization of Row to represent a primary key used to access records in a table using the TableAPI.
    Row is a specialization of RecordValue to represent a single record, or row, in a table.
  • Classes in oracle.kv.table used by oracle.kv.query
    FieldDef represents an immutable metadata object used to represent a single data type.
    The type of a field definition.
    FieldValue represents an item, that is, a value and its associated type.
    RecordDef represents a record type, which specifies a set of RecordValues that conform to this type.
    Table is a handle on a table in the Oracle NoSQL Database.
  • Classes in oracle.kv.table used by oracle.kv.table
    AnyAtomicDef is the type that contains all kinds of atomic values.
    AnyDef is the most generic data type; it contains all kinds of values.
    AnyJsonAtomicDef is the type that contains all kinds of atomic values that appear in JSON documents.
    AnyRecordDef is the type that contains all kinds of record values.
    ArrayDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate an array of values.
    ArrayValue extends FieldValue to add methods appropriate for array values.
    BinaryDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a Binary type.
    BinaryValue extends FieldValue to represent a byte array value.
    BooleanDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a Boolean.
    BooleanValue extends FieldValue to represent a simple boolean value.
    DoubleDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate the Double type.
    DoubleValue extends FieldValue to represent a double.
    EnumDef is a extension of FieldDef to support an enumeration type.
    EnumValue extends FieldValue to represent a single value in an enumeration.
    since 3.3 in favor of ExecutionFuture
    FieldDef represents an immutable metadata object used to represent a single data type.
    The type of a field definition.
    FieldRange defines a range of values to be used in a table or index iteration or multiGet operation.
    FieldValue represents an item, that is, a value and its associated type.
    FixedBinaryDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a fixed length binary value.
    FixedBinaryValue extends FieldValue to represent a fixed-size byte array.
    FloatDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate the Float type.
    FloatValue extends FieldValue to represent a float.
    Index represents an index on a table in Oracle NoSQL Database.
    The type of an index.
    IndexKey is a specialization of RecordValue to represent a key used to access a specific index defined on a table.
    IntegerDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate an Integer.
    IntegerValue extends FieldValue to represent an integer.
    JsonDef is an extension of FieldDef to define schemaless data modeled as JSON.
    A wrapper class for return values from TableAPI.tableKeysIterator(IndexKey, MultiRowOptions, oracle.kv.table.TableIteratorOptions) This classes allows the iterator to return all field value information that can be obtained directly from the index without an additional fetch.
    LongDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a Long.
    LongValue extends FieldValue to represent a long.
    MapDef is an extension of FieldDef to define an unordered map, where all entries are constrained to a single type.
    MapValue extends FieldValue to define a container object that holds a map of FieldValue objects all of the same type.
    Defines parameters used in multi-row operations.
    NumberDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate the BigDecimal type.
    NumberValue extends FieldValue to represent a BigDecimal.
    PrimaryKey is a specialization of Row to represent a primary key used to access records in a table using the TableAPI.
    ReadOptions is passed to read-only store operations to specify arguments that control non-default behavior related to consistency and operation timeouts.
    RecordDef represents a record type, which specifies a set of RecordValues that conform to this type.
    RecordValue extends FieldValue to represent a record value.
    ReturnRow is used with put and delete operations to return the previous row value and version.
    Specifies whether to return the row value, version, both or neither.
    Row is a specialization of RecordValue to represent a single record, or row, in a table.
    IdentityDef represents an immutable metadata object used to represent the properties of an identity column in a table.
    since 3.3 in favor of StatementResult
    StringDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a String.
    StringValue extends FieldValue to represent a string.
    Table is a handle on a table in the Oracle NoSQL Database.
    Interface to the specialized Iterator type returned by the iterator methods in the oracle.kv.table package.
    TableIteratorOptions extends ReadOptions and is passed to read-only store operations that return iterators.
    Denotes a TableOperation in a sequence of operations passed to the TableAPI.execute method.
    The type of operation, as determined by the method used to create it.
    A factory to create operations that can be batched for execution by TableAPI.execute.
    The Result associated with the execution of a TableOperation.
    Provides information about a failure from the sequence of operations executed by TableAPI.execute(List<TableOperation>, WriteOptions)
    TimestampDef is an extension of FieldDef to encapsulate a Timestamp type.
    TimestampValue extends FieldValue to represent a Timestamp value.
    TimeToLive is a utility class that represents a period of time, similar to Java 8's java.time.Duration, but specialized to the needs of Oracle NoSQL Database.
    WriteOptions is passed to store operations that can update the store to specify non-default behavior relating to durability, timeouts and expiry operations.