About Oracle NoSQL Database SDK drivers

Learn about Oracle NoSQL Database SDK drivers.

Oracle NoSQL Database supports many of the most popular programming languages and frameworks with idiomatic language APIs and data structures, giving your application language native access to data stored in NoSQL Database. It currently supports the following programming languages and frameworks: Java, Python, Node.js(JavaScript/TypeScript), Golang and C#/.NET.

Make sure that a recent version of the java jdk is installed locally on your computer.

Make sure you have maven installed. See Installing Maven for details. The Oracle NoSQL Database SDK for Java is available in Maven Central repository, details available here. The main location of the project is in GitHub.

You can get all the required files for running the SDK with the following POM file dependencies.


Please replace the placeholder for the version of the Oracle NoSQL Java SDK in the pom.xml file with the exact SDK version number.

The Oracle NoSQL Database SDK for Java provides you with all the Java classes, methods, interfaces and examples. Documentation is available as javadoc in GitHub or from Java API Reference Guide.

Make sure that python is installed in your system. You can install the Python SDK through the Python Package Index with the command given below.

pip3 install borneo
If you are using the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service you will also need to install the oci package:
pip3 install oci

The main location of the project is in GitHub.The Oracle NoSQL SDK for Python provides you with all the Python classes, methods, interfaces and examples. Documentation is available in Python API Reference Guide.

Make sure you have Go installed in your computer.

The Go SDK for Oracle NoSQL Database is published as a Go module. It is recommended to use the Go modules to manage dependencies for your application. Using Go modules, you don't need to download the Go SDK explicitly. Add import statements for the SDK packages to your application code as needed. For example:
import "github.com/oracle/nosql-go-sdk/nosqldb"
When you build or test your application, the build commands will automatically add new dependencies as needed to satisfy imports, updating go.mod and downloading the new dependencies.

The main location of the project is in GitHub. Access the online godoc for information on using the SDK and to reference Go driver packages, types, and methods.

Download and install Node.js from Node.js Downloads. Ensure that Node Package Manager (npm) is installed along with Node.js. Install the node SDK for Oracle NoSQL Database using one of the commands shown below.

To install as a dependency of your project:
npm install oracle-nosqldb

The npm will create a node_modules directory in the current directory and install it there.

To install globally:
npm install -g oracle-nosqldb

The main location of the project is in GitHub. Access the Node.js API Reference Guide to reference Node.js classes, events, and global objects.

If you are using TypeScript, use npm to install a supported version. Use the following command to install a specific version of the Typescript.
npm install typescript

For additional information on TypeScript, see TypeScript Modules.

About the code samples:

You can use the given code samples in TypeScript or JavaScript if using the ES6 modules.

With Oracle NoSQL Database, use JavaScript with either CommonJS or ES6 modules. In each module, how you import the NoSQLClient class and other classes/types from the Node SDK varies.
  • If you want to use JavaScript with CommonJS modules, import the classes/types using the 'require' syntax. For more information, see Node.js CommonJS Modules. For example:
     const NoSQLClient = require('oracle-nosqldb').NoSQLClient;
  • If you want to use JavaScript with ES6 modules, import the classes/types using the 'import' syntax. For more information, see Node.js ECMAScript Modules. For example:
     import { NoSQLClient } from 'oracle-nosqldb';

Make sure you have .NETinstalled in your system.

You can install the SDK from NuGet Package Manager either by adding it as a reference to your project or independently.
  • Add the SDK as a Project Reference: Run the following command to create your project directory.
    dotnet newconsole -o HelloWorld
    You may add the SDK NuGet Package as a reference to your project by using .Net CLI.
    cd <your-project-directory>
    dotnet add package Oracle.NoSQL.SDK
    Alternatively, you may perform the same using NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio.
  • Independent Install: You may install the SDK independently into a directory of your choice by using nuget.exe CLI.
    nuget.exe install Oracle.NoSQL.SDK -OutputDirectory

The main location of the project is in GitHub. See Oracle NoSQL Dotnet SDK API Reference for more details of all classes and methods.