plan change-parameters



Changes parameters for either the specified service, or for all service instances of the same type that are deployed to the specified zone or all zones.

The security flag changes store-wide security parameters, and should never be used with other flags.

The global flag changes store-wide non-security parameters and should never be used with other flags.

The service flag affects a single component and should not be used with either the zn or znname flag.

One of the all-* flags can be combined with zn or znname to change all instances of the service type deployed to the specified zone, leaving unchanged any instances of the specified type deployed to other zones. If one of the all-* flags is used without also specifying the zone, then the desired parameter change will be applied to all instances of the specified type within the store, regardless of zone. The parameters to change are specified via the params flag and consist of name/value pairs separated by spaces, where any parameter values with embedded spaces must be quoted (for example, name="value with spaces").

Finally, if the dry-run flag is specified, the new parameters are returned without applying the specified change. Use "show parameters" to see what parameters can be modified.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
            "security":"true|false Whether this is a security parameter"
            "global":"true|false Whether this is a global parameter"
            "service":"Id of the service to change"
            "allRns":"true|false Whether to change all RNs parameters"
            "zn":"Change parameter in specific zone identified by zone id"
            "znname":"Change parameter in specific zone identified by zone name"
            "allAdmins":"true|false Whether to change parameter for all admins"
            "dryRun":"true|false boolean value to specify whether this run will actually execute on server side"
            "params":"Array of objects, each object has only one field of parameter name/value pair, for exmaple, {\"params\":[{\"name1\":\"value1\"},{\"name1\":\"value1\"},{\"name*\":\"value*\"}*]}"
Nested Schema : arguments
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : argumentValue
Match One Schema
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Operation ended successfully
Body ()
Root Schema : commonResponse
Type: object
Show Source
    "operation":"operation executed",
    "returnCode":"5000 when success, 5100 infers illegal command, 5200 - 5500 infers connection/resource/internal problem at execution",
    "description":"error description when returnCode != 5000",
    "returnValue":"JSON object with the output returned by the command when returnCode: 5000(success). Otherwise, null"
Nested Schema : returnValue
Type: object
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