1 Introduction to SQL for Oracle NoSQL Database

Welcome to SQL for Oracle NoSQL Database. This language provides a SQL-like interface to Oracle NoSQL Database. The SQL for Oracle NoSQL Database data model supports flat relational data, hierarchical typed (schema-full) data, and schema-less JSON data. You have the flexibility to create tables with a well-defined schema for applications that require fixed data or a combination of fixed data and schema-less JSON. For pure document-oriented applications, you can use JSON collection tables that do not have any schema definition other than the primary key fields. The SQL for Oracle NoSQL Database is designed to handle all such data seamlessly without any impedance mismatch among the different sub-models. Impedance mismatch is a problem that occurs due to differences between the database model and the programming language mode.

For information on the command line shell you can use to run SQL for Oracle NoSQL Database queries, see Introduction to the SQL for Oracle NoSQL Database Shell.