Interface OperationMetrics

public interface OperationMetrics
Aggregates the metrics associated with a KVS operation.
  • Method Details

    • getOperationName

      String getOperationName()
      Returns the name of the KVS operation associated with the metrics.
    • getTotalOps

      @Deprecated int getTotalOps()
      as of 19.2, see getTotalOpsLong()
      Returns the number of operations that were executed as an int.
    • getTotalOpsLong

      long getTotalOpsLong()
      Returns the number of operations that were executed.

      For requests (API method calls) that involve a single operation (get, put, etc.), one operation is counted per request. For requests that involve multiple operations (multiGet, multiDelete, execute), all individual operations are counted.

    • getTotalRequests

      @Deprecated int getTotalRequests()
      as of 19.2, see getTotalRequestsLong()
      Returns the number of requests that were executed as an int.
    • getTotalRequestsLong

      long getTotalRequestsLong()
      Returns the number of requests that were executed.

      Only one request per API method call is counted, whether the request involves a single operation (get, put, etc.) or multiple operations (multiGet, multiDelete, execute). For requests that involve a single operation, this method returns the same value as getTotalOpsLong().

    • getMinLatencyMs

      int getMinLatencyMs()
      Returns the minimum request latency in milliseconds.
    • getMaxLatencyMs

      int getMaxLatencyMs()
      Returns the maximum request latency in milliseconds.
    • getAverageLatencyMs

      float getAverageLatencyMs()
      Returns the average request latency in milliseconds.