Functions on Sequences
seq_concat function
is a variadic function: it can have any number of arguments. It simply evaluates its arguments (if any) in the order they are listed in the argument list, and concatenates the sequences returned by these arguments. This function accepts any data type as the input argument. If the input is a scalar, then the input item is treated as a sequence of size 1.
any* seq_concat(any*, ...)
- any: The any? element in the above syntax can be of any data type. The
function accepts any number of input arguments. The arguments have to be in a comma-separated format. - return type: any type
Example 1:
SELECT acct_id,
concat(stream_acct.acct_data[].firstName, ' ',stream_acct.acct_data[].lastName) AS Fullname,
seq_concat(stream_acct.acct_data[].contentStreamed[].showName) AS Uwatched,
seq_concat(stream_acct.acct_data[].contentStreamed[].genres) AS Uprefer
FROM stream_acct
ORDER BY acct_id
In this example, the seq_concat
function lists all the watched shows and their genres as a comma-separated list.
{"acct_id":1,"Fullname":"Adam Phillips","Uwatched":["At the Ranch","Bienvenu"],"Uprefer":[["action","crime","spanish"],["comedy","french"]]}
{"acct_id":2,"Fullname":"Adelaide Willard","Uwatched":"Bienvenu","Uprefer":["comedy","french"]}
The concat
function is also used in the query to concatenate the two strings, firstName
and lastName
and display it as a single object Fullname
in the output. For more details, see concat Function.
Example 2:
concat(stream_acct.acct_data[].firstName, ' ',stream_acct.acct_data[].lastName) AS Fullname,
WHEN exists stream_acct.acct_data[].contentStreamed[].showId
THEN seq_concat(stream_acct.acct_data[].contentStreamed[0].showName, stream_acct.acct_data[0].contentStreamed[0].seriesInfo[0].episodes[0], stream_acct.acct_data[0].contentStreamed[0].seriesInfo[0].episodes[1],stream_acct.acct_data[].contentStreamed[1].showName, stream_acct.acct_data[0].contentStreamed[0].seriesInfo[1].episodes[0], stream_acct.acct_data[0].contentStreamed[0].seriesInfo[1].episodes[1])
ELSE "Start streaming your favorite shows here"
END AS Showdetails
FROM stream_acct WHERE acct_id=1
If a user has watched any show, the details are stored in the contentSreamed
JSON field. The above query retrieves the date of streaming, details of the episode, the duration, and the time elapsed for each show. The seq_concat
function is used to concatenate and display all the details in the output.
{"Fullname":"Adam Phillips","Showdetails":["At the Ranch",{"date":"2022-04-18","episodeID":20,"lengthMin":85,"minWatched":85},{"date":"2022-04-18","episodeID":30,"lengthMin":60,"minWatched":60},"Bienvenu",{"date":"2022-04-25","episodeID":40,"lengthMin":50,"minWatched":50},{"date":"2022-04-27","episodeID":50,"lengthMin":45,"minWatched":30}]}
The concat
function is also used in the query to concatenate the two strings, firstName
and lastName
and display it as a single object Fullname
in the output. For more details, see concat Function.
In addition to the above there are also the following aggregate functions on sequences. They are described in the Sequence Aggregate Functions section.
- long seq_count(any*)
- number seq_sum(any*)
- number seq_avg(any*)
- any_atomic seq_min(any*)
- any_atomic seq_max(any*)
seq_distinct function
Returns the distinct values of its input sequence.
any* seq_distinct(any*)
- any: The
function accepts any parameter type as the input argument. - return type: any type
table as
follows:CREATE TABLE users ( id INTEGER,
firstName STRING,
lastName STRING,
otherNames ARRAY(RECORD(first STRING, last STRING)),
income INTEGER,
address JSON,
connections ARRAY(INTEGER),
expenses MAP(INTEGER),
[ {"first" : "Johny", "last" : "BeGood"} ],
"street" : "Pacific Ave",
"number" : 101,
"city" : "Santa Cruz",
"state" : "CA",
"zip" : 95008,
"phones" : [
{ "area" : 408, "number" : 4538955, "kind" : "work" },
{ "area" : 831, "number" : 7533341, "kind" : "home" },
{ "area" : 831, "number" : 7533382, "kind" : "mobile" }
[ 30, 55, 43 ],
A user may have multiple phone numbers in the same area code. To determine the number of users having phone numbers in different area codes, a particular user should be counted only once (even if the user has more than one phone number with the same area code).
function, which eliminates duplicate values from its input sequence. SELECT $area, count(*) AS cnt
FROM Users u, seq_distinct(u.address.phones.area) AS $area
GROUP BY $area
The user John Smith has three phone numbers, two of which have the same area code. However, only distinct area codes are fetched in the query.