
import -table table_name -file file_name [JSON | CSV] 

Imports records from the specified file into table table_name.

Specify a fully-qualified table_name as follows:
Entry specification Description
table_name Required. Specifies the full table name. Without further qualification, this entry indicates a table created in the default namespace (sysdefault), which you do not have to specify.
parent-table.child-table Specifies a child table of a parent. Specify the parent table followed by a period (.) before the child name. For example, if the parent table is Users, specify the child table named MailingAddress as Users.MailingAddress


Specifies a table created in the non-default namespace. Use the namespace followed by a colon (:). For example, to reference table Users, created in the Sales namespace, enter table_name as Sales:Users

Use -table to specify the name of a table into which the records are loaded. The alternative way to specify the table is to add the table specification "Table: table_name" before its records in the file.

For example, this file contains the records to insert into two tables, users and email:

Table: users
<records of users>
Table: emails
<record of emails>

The imported records can be either in JSON or CSV format. If you do not specify the format, JSON is assumed.