About TimesTen Quick Start and Sample Applications

The TimesTen Classic Quick Start and TimesTen Scaleout sample applications exhibit a variety of TimesTen features.

The sample applications are available from the TimesTen GitHub location. For the TimesTen Classic Quick Start, there is a complete set of tutorials, how-to instructions, and sample applications. For TimesTen Scaleout, there are ODBC and JDBC sample applications.

After you have configured your environment, you can confirm that everything is set up correctly by compiling and running the sample applications. For TimesTen Classic, applications are located under the Quick Start sample_code directory. For instructions on compiling and running them, see the instructions in the subdirectories. For TimesTen Scaleout, clone the oracle-timesten-examples GitHub repository and follow the instructions in the README files.

For TimesTen Classic, the following are included:

  • Schema and setup: The build_sampledb script (.sh on Linux or UNIX or .bat on Windows) creates a sample database and schema. Run this script before using the sample applications.

  • Environment and setup: The ttquickstartenv script (.sh or .csh on Linux or UNIX, .bat on Windows, or as applicable for your system), a superset of the ttenv script typically used for TimesTen setup, sets up the environment. Run this script each time you enter a session where you want to compile or run any of the sample applications.

  • Sample applications and setup: The Quick Start provides sample applications and their source code for ODBC, OCI, and Pro*C/C++.