Create and Configure the Read-Only Subscriber Database

This example demonstrates how to create and configure a read-only subscriber within an active standby pair replication scheme.

The following is the definition of the rosubscriber DSN for the read-only subscriber database of the active standby pair:


As the instance administrator, create the read-only subscriber database as a duplicate of the standby database by running a ttRepAdmin -duplicate utility command from the read-only subscriber database system. The instance administrator user name of the standby database and read-only subscriber database must be identical.

Use the -noKeepCG option so that cache tables in the standby database are duplicated as regular tables in the read-only subscriber database because the read-only subscriber database is not connected with the Oracle database.

In the following example:

  • The -from option specifies the file name prefix of the standby database's checkpoint and transaction log files.

  • The -host option specifies the host name of the TimesTen system where the standby database resides.

  • The -uid and -pwd options specify a user name and password of a TimesTen internal user defined in the standby database that has been granted the ADMIN privilege.

  • rosubscriber is the DSN of the read-only subscriber database.

% ttRepAdmin -duplicate -from cachestand -host "sys4" -uid cacheadmin -pwd timesten
    -noKeepCG rosubscriber

As the TimesTen cache administration user, start the replication agent on the read-only subscriber database by calling the ttRepStart built-in procedure.

% ttIsql "DSN=rosubscriber;UID=cacheadmin;PwdWallet=/wallets/cacheadminwallet"
Command> CALL ttRepStart;
Command> exit