Destroying the TimesTen Databases

TimesTen provides commands to destroy a TimesTen database.

  1. Ensure you backup all your data, since it will be discarded in the destruction process.
  2. Make sure that you drop all cache groups before you attempt to destroy a database. If you cannot drop the cache groups, then use the -force option on the destroy operation in the next step. See Dropping a Cache Group.
  3. Perform the destroy operation:
    • In TimesTen Scaleout, if the TimesTen database is no longer needed, you can use the ttGridAdmin dbDestroy command to destroy the databases. See Destroying a Database in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

    • In TimesTen Classic, if the TimesTen databases are no longer needed, you can use the ttDestroy utility to destroy the databases.


      In TimesTen Classic, if the RAM policy designates that the database stays in memory, then this may prevent you from destroying the database. For example, if the RAM policy is set to always, then you must change the RAM policy to manual and run the ttAdmin -ramunload command to unload the database before destroying the database. See Specifying a RAM Policy section in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

      The following example shows the ttDestroy utility connecting to and then destroying the cache1 database:

      % ttDestroy cache1
  4. If you used the -force option on the destroy operation, run the following script to cleanup the metadata and Oracle database objects.
    • For TimesTen Scaleout, run the scaleoutCacheCleanup.sql script.

    • For TimesTen Classic, run the cacheCleanup.sql script.