1 Paths to Explore Cache in TimesTen

TimesTen cache is a robust feature with many concepts and options for caching data between a TimesTen database and an Oracle database. When you are starting to learn about caching within TimesTen, there are three learning paths:

  • Accelerate your Applications - Achieve Blazing Fast SQL With an Oracle TimesTen Cache. LiveLab: This LiveLab will help you to become familiar with setting up and using a TimesTen cache. The lab focuses briefly on concepts and heavily on the tasks for how to quickly configure, create, and use a TimesTen cache.

  • Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Getting Started with Cache Guide: After going through the LiveLab, use this getting started guide for an overview of the basics of cache provided by TimesTen. This guide covers the most popular options and uses the default options when showing you how to create the three most popular cache group types. Start with Overview of Cache.

  • Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Cache Guide: After you are familiar with the basics of caching, you can see a full explanation of concepts and details of the TimesTen cache feature. This is the advanced guide for cache. Start with Overview of Cache Groups.