Testing the Connectivity Between the TimesTen and Oracle Databases
If connectivity has been successfully established, the query returns the version of the Oracle database.
To test the connectivity between the TimesTen and Oracle databases, set the passthrough level to 3 and run the following query, to be processed on the Oracle database, as the TimesTen cache administration user:
Command> passthrough 3; Command> SELECT * FROM V$VERSION; Command> passthrough 0;
If it does not, check the following for correctness:
The Oracle net service name set in the
connection attribute and the state of the Oracle database server -
The settings of the shared library search path environment variable such as
The setting of the cache administration user name in the TimesTen database
You can retrieve the Oracle cache administration user name setting by calling the
built-in procedure
as the TimesTen cache administration user:
Command> call ttCacheUidGet;
In TimesTen Classic, the Oracle cache administration user name can also be returned
from a command line by running a ttAdmin
utility command as a
TimesTen external user with the
% ttAdmin -cacheUidGet cache1