Back Up a Database (dbBackup)

The dbBackup command initiates a backup of the specified database.

ttGridAdmin dbBackup dbname 
                     -repository reponame 
                     [-name backupname]
                     [-backupType normal|staged]
                     [-bwlimit limit]
                     [-compress value]

In some cases you must use dbExport instead. This would be the case, for example, if the grid topology at the restore location has fewer replica sets than the backed up database, or the restore location is running a version of TimesTen that is not patch-compatible with the version of the backed up database. See Migrating, Backing Up and Restoring Data in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide for additional information.

TimesTen Scaleout enables you to create staged backups for SCP repositories. This type of backup eliminates the overhead of creating local copies of the checkpoints and log files and reduces the WAN traffic of creating a remote copy in the repository. See Back Up a Database into a Remote Repository (WAN-Friendly) in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide for more information.


Be aware of the following if the specified repository was created with -method scp:

For normal backups, backup file for each element is stored on the local file system where the element is located before being copied to the remote repository.

A backup is stored as a collection under a repository. You first must create the repository. See Repository Operations.


The dbBackup command has the options:

Option Description


Name of the database to back up.

-repository reponame

Name of the repository where the backup will be located.

-name backupname

Specifies a name for the backup. The default is the letter "B" followed by the date and time of the backup, in the format: Byyyymmddhhmmss.

-backupType normal|staged

For repositories using the SCP method, specifies the type of backup to create. Supported options are normal or staged.

  • normal: The checkpoint and log files of one element for each replica set are temporarily copied to the instance home of such elements before being copied to the repository.

  • staged: The checkpoint and log files of one element for each replica set are temporarily used as target for symbolic links in the instance home of such elements before being synchronized with a staging directory on the repository. The resulting files are then copied to the backup location on the repository.

By default, TimesTen creates normal backups.

-bwlimit limit

For staged backups, specifies the aggregated maximum bandwidth (in MB per second) used to copy and synchronize files between hosts and repository.

By default, staged backups use as much WAN bandwidth as possible.

-compress value

For staged backups, specifies the level of compression used to copy and synchronize files between hosts and repository. Supported values range from 0 to 9, where 0 represents no compression and 9 represents the maximum compression available.

By default, staged backups use no compression.


This example backs up database1 into repository repo1. It uses the default name for the backup, according to the current timestamp (2/22/17 at 14:55:44).

% ttGridAdmin dbBackup database1 -repository repo1
dbBackup B20170222145544 started

You can then use dbBackupStatus to check progress, as shown in the example in Display the Status of a Database Backup (dbBackupStatus). The backup is finished when each element and the database as a whole are indicated as complete.


  • The backup is performed asynchronously. Use the dbBackupStatus command to check progress.

  • One element from each replica set is backed up.

  • Each replica set is stored as a sub-collection.

  • For disk space requirements, see Backing Up and Restoring a Database in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.