Command Timeouts and Waits

Note that as ttGridAdmin runs a command, it may run operating system commands as well. Using the top-level -timeout option, you can specify that ttGridAdmin will wait for the specified number of seconds for such operations to complete. If an operation does not complete within the specified number of seconds, the ttGridAdmin command being run fails.

In addition, the ttGridAdmin database management commands dbCreate, dbDestroy, dbload, dbUnload, dbOpen and dbClose have a –nowait/-wait option. Each of these commands initiates a state change that is recorded in the active management instance of the grid. With a setting of –nowait (the default), the commands return immediately without waiting for the state change to complete. If –wait with a timeout value n is specified, ttGridAdmin will wait for up to n seconds for the state change to complete. If –wait is specified without a timeout, ttGridAdmin will wait without limit for the state change to complete.