Create an Instance (instanceCreate)

The instanceCreate command defines an instance in the model.

ttGridAdmin instanceCreate  hostname[.instancename]
                            -location path
                            [-type management|data]
                            [-installation name]
                            [-daemonport n]
                            [-csport n]  
                            [-mgmtport n] 
                            [-comment comment]
                            [-walletDir path]


The instanceCreate command has the options:

Option Description


The hostname is the name of the host where the instance is to be created, optionally with a specified instancename for the name of the instance in the model. The default is instance1.

-location path

Path, on the specified host, to the directory where the instance is to be created. The specified directory does not have to exist.

-type management|data

Specifies which type of instance is defined. The default is a data instance.

-installation name

Name of the installation that the instance will use. This option is not necessary if there is only one installation on the host.

-daemonport n

Port number where the TimesTen main daemon for the instance will listen. The default is 6624.

Important: If you create more than one instance on a system (such as a management instance and a data instance), you must specify unique port numbers.

-csport n

Port number where the server for TimesTen client/server will listen. The default is 6625.

Important: If you create more than one instance on a system (such as a management instance and a data instance), you must specify unique port numbers.

-mgmtport n

For management instances, the port number that will be used by replication when management data on the active management instance is replicated. The default is 3754.

-comment comment

Associates a comment with the instance object. Put the comment in quotes if there are any spaces. The comment is stored and included in output of the instanceList command.

-walletDir path

For the first management instance of the grid being created, path to the directory where the Oracle Wallets with cryptographic information will be stored. This cryptographic information includes the cache admin, client/server, and membership service credentials.

The default is timesten_home/info.

Wallets for multiple instances can be stored in the same directory, a directory which can be shared between the instances, such as through NFS.


% ttGridAdmin instanceCreate mysys3host.griddata1
-location /sw/tten/grid/ttinstances -daemonPort 20000 -csPort 21000
Instance griddata1 on Host mysys3host created in Model


  • This command does not create a physical instance. It defines an instance object in the model. The modelApply command creates the physical instance.

  • Be aware of these prerequisites:

    • The host must have an associated installation object. Use the installationCreate command.

    • For a data instance, the host must be in a data space group. If that is not the case, the physical instance cannot be created when you apply the model.

      You can use the hostList command to confirm whether a host is in a data space group, and the hostModify command to assign a data space group if needed.

  • The timesten_home directory will be location/name. In the example, where the location is /sw/tten/ttinstances and the instance name is griddata1, timesten_home will be /sw/tten/ttinstances/griddata1.

  • Some instance settings can be changed later through the instanceModify command, as desired.