Display the Status of a Database Export (dbExportStatus)

The dbExportStatus command shows the status of a database export or exports previously started.

ttGridAdmin dbExportStatus dbname 
                           [-name exportname]


The dbExportStatus command has the options:

Option Description


Name of the database being exported.

-name exportname

Name of the export to check. The default is all exports of the specified database.


This example shows status upon completion of the export from the example in Export a Database (dbExport). (That is the only export for database1 in the repository.)

% ttGridAdmin dbExportStatus database1
Database  Export  Repository Host  Instance  Elem State     Started
--------- ------- ---------- ----- --------- ---- --------- ------------------------
database1 exp_db1 repo1                           Completed 2017-03-02T14:42:24.000Z
                             host3 instance1    1 Complete
                             host4 instance1    2 Complete
                             host5 instance1    3 Complete


When you believe the export is complete, confirm that dbExportStatus shows Complete for the export as a whole and for every instance. If there were any failures, see Check the Status of a Database Export in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.