Display the Status of a Database Restore (dbRestoreStatus)

The dbRestoreStatus command shows the status of a database restore previously started.

ttGridAdmin dbRestoreStatus dbname


The dbRestoreStatus command has the option:

Option Description


Name of the database where the restore is being checked.


This example shows status upon completion of the restore from the example in Restore a Database (dbRestore).

% ttGridAdmin dbRestoreStatus res_db
Database Restore Repository Host  Instance  Elem State                   Started           Finished
-------- ------- ---------- ----- --------- ---- ------------------------------------------------ -
res_db1  mybkup  repo1                           Restore_Finale_Complete 2017-03-03T13:19:39.000Z Y
                            host3 instance1      Restore_Instance_Complete
                            host4 instance1      Restore_Instance_Complete
                            host5 instance1      Restore_Finale_Complete


  • When you believe the restore is complete, confirm that dbRestoreStatus shows Restore_Finale_Complete for the restore as a whole and Resore_Instance_Complete or Restore_Finale_Complete for each instance. If there were any failures, see Check the Status of a Restore in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  • Y in the Finished column indicates that the command has finished running, regardless of state—that each instance has succeeded or failed.