Display Status of Installations (installationStatus)

The installationStatus command shows the status of all installations that are associated with the grid. This is status of the physical installations, not status of installations in the model.

ttGridAdmin installationStatus


% ttGridAdmin installationStatus
Host        Install           Usable DelPend Message When
----------- ----------------- ----   ------- ------- -------------------
mysys1host  installation1     Yes    N               2016-11-01 14:49:31
mysys2host  installation1     Yes    N               2016-11-01 14:49:31
mysys3host  installcreate2slc Yes    N               2016-11-01 14:49:31
mysys4host  installcreate2adc Yes    N               2016-11-01 14:49:31

The DelPend entry indicates whether a deletion is pending, where installationDelete was run but the updated model has not yet been applied to remove the physical installation.