
The IncludeInCore attribute allows the application to control whether TimesTen shared memory should be included in application core dumps, and which portions of that memory should be included.

If multiple connections exist from a single application process to a single TimesTen database, the IncludeInCore value of the most recent connection of the process determines the parts of the core file to dump.

For client/server connections, the setting is passed to TimesTen server, which passes it on to the direct driver.

TimesTen daemons always dump everything.

The settings noted below are additive. For example, set IncludeInCore to 3 (1+2) for DB header and other fixed allocations plus perm space. Set it to 15 (1+2+4+8) for DB header and other fixed allocations plus perm space, temp space, and log buffer.

Required Privilege

ADMIN privilege is required to include the DB header and other fixed allocations.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This attribute is supported in both TimesTen Classic and TimesTen Scaleout.


Set IncludeInCore as follows:

Where to set the attribute How the attribute is represented Setting

C or Java programs or UNIX and Linux systems odbc.ini file in TimesTen Classic or in the database definition (.dbdef) file in TimesTen Scaleout


0 - Exclude the shared memory associated with this database connection from any core files.

1 - Include the DB header and other fixed allocations from this database in core files. This is necessary to make sense of other information you request.

2 - Include perm space from this database in core files.

4 - Include temp space from this database in core files.

8 - Include the log buffer from this database in core files.

16 - Include the PL/SQL shared memory from this database in core files.

The default value is 255.

Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator