List Instances (instanceList)

The instanceList command lists information about instances in the specified version of the model.

ttGridAdmin instanceList [-latest|-current|-version n]
                         [-type all|management|data]


The instanceList command has the options:

Option Description


Lists instances in the latest model—the model being modified and not yet applied to the grid. This is the default.


Lists instances in the current model—the model most recently applied to the grid.

-version n

Lists instances in the specified version number of the model.

-type all|management|data

Specifies whether all instances (the default), only management instances, or only data instances are listed.


Shows the installation object associated with each instance.


This example is for a grid with two hosts on each of two systems. On each system, one host has a management instance and one has a data instance. By default, data instances as well as management instances are listed in the latest model (in the process of being modified and not yet applied).

% ttGridAdmin instanceList
Host        Instance  Type Instance Home                        Port  CSPort MgmtPort Comment
----------- --------- ---- -----------------------------------  ----- ------ -------- -------
mysys1host  gridmgmt1 Mgmt /sw/tten/grid/ttinstances/gridmgmt1/ 10000  11000    3754
mysys2host  gridmgmt1 Mgmt /sw/tten/grid/ttinstances/gridmgmt1/ 10000  11000    3754
mysys3host  griddata1 Data /sw/tten/grid/ttinstances/griddata1/ 20000  21000
mysys4host  griddata2 Data /sw/tten/grid/ttinstances/griddata2/ 20000  21000

This example also shows the associated installation objects (the Comment column is omitted):

% ttGridAdmin -instanceList -install
Host        Instance  Installation  Type  Instance Home                       Port  CSPort MgmtPort
----------- --------- ------------- ----  ----------------------------------- ----- ------ -------- 
mysys1host  gridmgmt1 installation1 Mgmt /sw/tten/grid/ttinstances/gridmgmt1/ 10000  11000    3754
mysys2host  gridmgmt1 installation1 Mgmt /sw/tten/grid/ttinstances/gridmgmt1/ 10000  11000    3754
mysys3host  griddata1 installation1 Data /sw/tten/grid/ttinstances/griddata1/ 20000  21000
mysys4host  griddata2 installation1 Data /sw/tten/grid/ttinstances/griddata2/ 20000  21000