Set/Show Attributes

Also see the list of ttIsql Commands. Some commands appear here as attributes of the set command. In that case, you can use them with or without the set command.

Boolean attributes can accept the values "ON" and "OFF" or "1" and "0".

The ttIsql set command has the attributes:

Attribute Description


With show command only. Displays the setting of all the ttIsql commands.

autocommit [1|0]

Turns AutoCommit off and on. If no argument is given, displays the current setting.

autovariables [1|0]

Turns autovariables off and on. TimesTen creates an automatic bind variable with the same name as each column in the last fetched row. You can use an automatic bind variable in the same manner of any bind variable. For more information, see Automatically Creating Bind Variables for Retrieved Columns in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

columnlabels [0 | 1]

Turns the columnlabels feature off (0) or on (1).

If no argument is specified, the current value of columnlabels is displayed.

The initial value of columnlabels is off (0) after connecting to a data source.

When the value is on (1), the column names are displayed before the SQL results.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.


Prints the connection string returned from the driver from the SQLDriverConnect call. This is the same string printed when ttIsql successfully connects to a database.

define [&|c|on|off]

Sets the character used to prefix substitution variables to c.

ON or OFF controls whether ttIsql scans commands for substitution variables and replaces them with their values. ON changes the value of c back to the default &. (It does not change it to the most recently used character.)

Default value for ttIsql is OFF (no variable substitution). See Example Parameters Using "variable" and "print" for an explanation of the default.

dynamicloadenable [1|0]

Enables or disables dynamic load of data from an Oracle database to a TimesTen dynamic cache group. By default, dynamic load of data from an Oracle database is enabled.

echo [on | off]

With the set command, prints the commands listed in a run, @ or @@ script to the terminal as they are run

If off, the output of the commands is printed but the commands themselves are not printed.

editline [0 | 1]

Turns the editline function off and on. By default, editline is on.

If editline is turned off, the backspace character deletes full characters, but the rest of editline capabilities are unavailable.

err | error |errors [objecttype [schema.]name]

With the show command, displays error information about the given PL/SQL object.If no object type or object name is supplied, ttIsql assumes the PL/SQL object that you last attempted to create and retrieves the errors for that object. If no errors associated with the given object are found, or there was no previous PL/SQL DDL, then ttIsql displays "No errors."

feedback [on | off] rows

Controls the display of status messages after running the statement.

When rows is specified, if the statement affected more than the specified number of rows, then the feedback indicates the number of affected rows. If the number of rows affected is less than the specified threshold, the number of rows is not printed. Feedback is not provided for tables, views, sequences, materialized views or indexes. It is available for PL/SQL objects.

isolation [{READ_COMMITTED | 1}| {SERIALIZABLE | 0}]

Sets isolation level. If no argument is supplied, displays the current value.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

loboffset n

Specifies the offset into the LOB that ttIsql should use as the starting point when it prints the resulting value of a LOB. For example if the value of the LOB is ABCEDFG, and the offset is 4, ttIsql prints DEFG, skipping the first 3 bytes.

The behavior is the same as LOBOFFSET in SQL*Plus.

long n

Reports or controls the maximum number of characters for CLOB or BLOB data or the maximum number of bytes for BLOB data that are displayed when fetched or printed.

The default value is 80.

The command setting is valid for all connections in a session.

longchunksize n

Specifies the size of the chunk that ttIsql uses to get LOB data.

multipleconnections [1 | ON] mc [1 | ON]

Reports or enables handling of multiple connections.By default, ttIsql enables the user to have one open connection at a time.

If the argument 1 or ON is specified the prompt is changed to include the current connection and all multiple connection features are enabled.

If no value is supplied, the command displays the value of the multipleconnections setting.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

ncharencoding [encoding]

Specifies the character encoding method for NCHAR output. Valid values are LOCALE or ASCII.

LOCALE sets the output format to the locale-based setting.

If no value is specified, TimesTen uses the system's native language characters.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

nulldisplaystring "string"

Sets or shows the string to be displayed when the NULL value appears in a result set.

The option does not affect the SQL user, only the display of NULL in results sets.

optfirstrow [1|0]

Enables or disables First Row Optimization.

If the optional argument is omitted, First Row Optimization is enabled.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.


Prints the current optimizer flag settings and join order.

This attribute cannot be used with the set command.

passthrough [0|1|2|3]

Sets the cache passthrough level for the current transaction. Because AutoCommit must be off to run this command, ttIsql temporarily turns off AutoCommit when setting the passthrough level.

0 - SQL statements are run only against TimesTen.

1 - Statements other than INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE and DDL are passed through if they generate a syntax error in TimesTen or if one or more tables referenced within the statement are not in TimesTen. All INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements are passed through if the target table cannot be found in TimesTen. DDL statements are not passed through.

2 - Same as 1, plus any INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statement performed on READONLY cache group tables is passed through.

3 - All SQL statements, except COMMIT and ROLLBACK, and TimesTen built-in procedures that set or get optimizer flags are passed through. COMMIT and ROLLBACK are run on both TimesTen and the Oracle database.

If no optional argument is supplied, the current setting is displayed.

After the transaction, the passthrough value is reset to the value defined in the connection string or in the DSN or the default setting if no value was supplied to either.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

Note: Some Oracle objects may not be described by ttIsql.

prefetchcount [prefetch_count_size]

Sets the prefetch count size for the current connection. If the optional argument is omitted, the current prefetch count size is reported. Setting the prefetch count size can improve result set fetch performance. The prefetch_count_size argument can take an integer value between 0 and 128 inclusive.

When you set the prefetch count to 0, TimesTen uses a default prefetch count. The default prefetch value is isolation level specific. In read committed isolation mode, the default value is 5. In serializable isolation mode, the default value is 128.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

prompt [string]

Replaces the Command> prompt with the specified string.

To specify a prompt with spaces, you must quote the string. The leading and trailing quotes are removed.

A prompt can have a string format specifier (%c) embedded. The %c is expanded with the name of the current connection.

querythreshold [seconds]

With the show command, displays the value of the Query Threshold first connection attribute.

With the set command, modifies the value of the QueryThreshold first connection attribute that was set in the connection string or odbc.ini file.

Specify a value in seconds that indicates the number of seconds that a query can run before TimesTen writes a warning to the daemon log.

rowdelimiters [0|off] | [ {1|on} [begin [end [sep]]]]

Controls the row delimiters in result sets. When on, user queries have the row delimited with < and > unless begin and end are specified. If end is not specified, it is set to the same value as begin. If sep is not specified, then a default of "," applies. Not all result sets are affected by this control.

The default is on.

serveroutput [on | off]

With the set command set to on, after each run SQL statement, displays any available output. This output is available for debugging I/O purposes, if the PL/SQL DBMS_OUTPUT package is set to store the output so that it can be retrieved using this command.

The default is off, (no server output is displayed) as performance may be slower when using this command. If you set serveroutput to on, TimesTen uses an unlimited buffer size.

DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE is per connection, therefore set serveroutput on affects the current connection only.

This command is not supported in passthrough mode.

showcurrenttime [1|true|on] | [0|false|off]

Enable or disable printing of the current wall clock time.

showplan [0 | 1]

Enables (1) or disables (0) the display of plans for selects/updates/deletes in this transaction. If the argument is omitted, the display of plans is enabled. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

sqlquerytimeout [seconds]

Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a SQL statement to run before returning to the application for all subsequent calls.

If no time or 0 seconds is specified, displays the current timeout value.

The value of seconds must be equal to or greater than 0.This attribute does not stop cache operations on the Oracle database, including passthrough statements, flushing, manual loading, manual refreshing, synchronous writethrough, propagating, and dynamic loading.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

See Choose SQL and PL/SQL Timeout Values in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide for information about the relationship between the client timeout, SQL timeout, and PL/SQL timeout.

timing [1|0]

Enables or disables printing of query timing.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

tryhash [1|0]

Enables or disables use of hash indexes by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

trymaterialize [1|0]

Enables or disables materialization by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

trymergejoin [1|0]

Enables or disables use of merge joins by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

trynestedloopjoin [1|0]

Enables or disables use of nested loop joins by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

tryrowid [1|0]

Enables or disables rowID scan hint by the optimizer at the transaction level.

tryrowlocks [1|0]

Enables or disables use of row-level locking by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

tryserial [1|0]

Enables or disables use of serial scans by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

trytmphash [1|0]

Enables or disables use of temporary hashes by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

trytbllocks [1|0]

Enables or disables use of table-level locking by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also set this attribute without specifying the set command.

trytmptable [1|0]

Enables or disables use of temporary tables by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

trytmprange [1|0]

Enables or disables use of temporary range indexes by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

tryrange [1|0]

Enables or disables use of range indexes by the optimizer at the transaction level. AutoCommit must be off.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

verbosity [level]

Changes the verbosity level. The verbosity level argument can be an integer value of 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. If the optional argument is omitted then the current verbosity level is reported.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.

vertical [{0 | off} | {1 | on} | statement]

Sets or displays the current value of the vertical setting. The default value is 0 (off).

If statement is supplied, the command temporarily turns vertical on for the given statement. This form is only useful when the vertical flag is off.

The vertical setting controls the display format of result sets. When set, the result sets are displayed in a vertical format where each column is on a separate line and is displayed with a column label.

You can also enable this attribute without specifying the set command.