
This procedure sets the threshold for the number of transaction log files that can accumulate before AWT is considered either terminated or too far behind to catch up. This setting applies to all subscribers to the database. When the threshold is exceeded, updates are no longer sent to the Oracle database. If no threshold is set then the default is zero

Required Privilege

This procedure requires the CACHE_MANAGER privilege.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This procedure is supported in TimesTen Classic but not supported in TimesTen Scaleout.

Related Views

This procedure has no related views.




ttCacheAWTThresholdSet has the parameter:

Parameter Type Description



Specifies the number of transaction log files for all AWT cache groups associated with the database. If the threshold is NULL, the log failure threshold is set to zero.

Result Set

ttCacheAWTThresholdSet returns no results.


To set the threshold to allow 12 transaction log files to accumulate, use:

CALL ttCacheAWTThresholdSet(12);


  • This procedure is available only for cache operations.

  • The user is responsible to recover when the threshold is exceeded.