
This procedure enables you to dynamically resize the cache connection pool parameters on each child server process, after which the cache connection pool parameters are associated with the child server process.

Use the ChildServer connection attribute to identify each child server process, where ChildServer=n and n is a number ranging from 1 to the number of running child server processes. Once connected to the child server process, you can run the ttCacheConnPoolApply built-in procedure that is meant for a specific child server process.

For more details, see Managing a Cache Connection Pool to the Oracle Database for Dynamic Load Requests in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Cache Guide.

Required Privilege

This procedure requires TimesTen cache administration manager or Admin privileges to run.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This procedure is supported in TimesTen Classic but not supported in TimesTen Scaleout.

Related Views

This procedure has no related views.




There are no parameters for this procedure.

Result Set

ttCacheConnPoolApply returns no results..


The following connects to the child server process identified as 1 and applies the saved cache connection pool configuration to this child server process. It does the same process for child server process 2 (given that ServersPerDSN=2).

Command> connect "DSN=cache1;ChildServer=1;";
Command> call ttCacheConnPoolApply ();
Command> disconnect;

Command> connect "DSN=cache1;ChildServer=2;";
Command> call ttCacheConnPoolApply ();
Command> disconnect;


  • This procedure is available only for cache operations.

  • You can only run the ttCacheConnPoolApply built-in procedure from a multithreaded client/server connection.

  • If the cache connection pool fails, you can recreate the pool by executing the ttCacheConnPoolApply built-in procedure from any child server process.