
Controls and displays daemon log messages.

The TimesTen daemon (referred to as the TimesTen Data Manager Service on Windows) and its subdaemons and agents write error and status messages to the following daemon logs:

  • A user error log that contains information you should be aware of, including actions you may need to take

  • A daemon log containing everything in the user error log plus information of use by TimesTen Customer Support

The ttDaemonLog utility enables you to do the following:

  • Control the types of events and categories of messages that are reported in the user error log.

  • Display all messages or selected categories of messages from the log to the standard output.

Required Privilege

This utility requires the instance administrator privilege.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This utility is supported in both TimesTen Classic and TimesTen Scaleout.


ttDaemonLog {-h | -help | -?}
ttDaemonLog {-V | -version}
ttDaemonLog [-show type] [-b | -r | -s] [-f] [-maxlines]
[-loglevel level [DSN | -connstr connection_string]]
[-[no]logcomponent component [DSN | -connstr connection_string]]
[-logreset] [-msg messagestring] [-setquiet | -setverbose]
[-file filename] [-facility name]
[-n computer]


  • The -file and -facility options apply only on UNIX and Linux.

  • The -n option applies only on Windows and is not relevant in typical usage.


ttDaemonLog has the options:

Option Description


Prints all TimesTen-generated log entries.


When the end of the log is reached, ttDaemonLog does not terminate but continues to run, periodically polling the log to retrieve and display additional TimesTen log records. This is useful, for example, for generating a display of log data that is updated in real time.

-facility name

Specifies the syslog facility name being used.

Note: This option applies only on UNIX.and Linux.

-file filename

Specifies the file into which TimesTen logs messages.

If not specified, examine the system's syslog configuration to determine where TimesTen messages are being logged.

Note: This option applies only on UNIX and Linux.




Shows ttDaemonLog usage information and exits.


Maximum number of lines at end of the log to display Defaults to 40 lines if -f is specified. If 0 is specified, there is no maximum.

-logcomponent component

-nologcomponent component

By default, all categories of messages are logged, but you can use -logcomponent to specify a category to be logged, or -nologcomponent to specify a category to not be logged. You can specify only a single component, but can run ttDaemonLog with these options multiple times to determine the desired set of messages.

If a DSN or connection string is specified, the option applies only to the specified database. You can run ttDaemonLog multiple times to set these options for multiple databases.

Supported categories are:

ALL (default): For all messages.

CACHE: For messages from the cache agent, designated by CAC

DAEMON: For messages from the main daemon and subdaemons

DAEMONDBG: For additional information from the main daemon and subdaemons

GADMIN: For messages from grid administrator

GADMINCS: For messages from grid administrator client server

GCWRKR: For messages from grid client worker

GRID: For messages from a TimesTen Grid

GRWKR: For messages from the grid worker

REPLICATION: For messages from the replication agent, designated by REP

TTSTATS: For messages from ttStats

-loglevel level

Specifies a cutoff for the level of messages that are logged in the daemon log. A lower value results in fewer messages. (For example, if you specify level 5, messages of level 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 would be logged.) This option is typically relevant only for Customer Support use.

If a DSN or connection string is specified, the option applies only to that database.


Resets event logging parameters.

-msg messagestring

Inserts the specified text into the TimesTen user log.

-n computer

Displays the log from a different computer. Specify the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name of the target computer.

Note: This option applies only on Windows and only if you are using the Windows Event Log for TimesTen logging, which is not typical usage.


Prints only the TimesTen replication agent log. (Same as -show replication.)


Prints only the TimesTen Server log. (Same as -show server.)



Enables (-setverbose) or disables (-setquiet) TimesTen verbose logging.

-show type

When you use ttDaemonLog to display log messages to the standard output, you can use the -show option with one of the following types to limit the displayed log messages to that type only:

all (default): Shows all messages.

replication: Shows only log messages from replication agents. (Same as -r option.)

cache: Shows only log messages from cache agents.

server: Shows only log messages from TimesTen Server. (Same as -s option.)

Note: You cannot show a category whose logging has been disabled through -[no]logcomponent.

-V | -version

Prints the release number of ttDaemonLog and exits.


By default, the ttDaemonLog utility logs messages and errors from all the TimesTen components. You can narrow the scope of what is written to the log by setting the -nologcomponent option. This option can be applied to selected databases or all databases.

To display all the output from the TimesTen daemon and server on your local computer:

% ttDaemonLog

To prevent messages and errors related to replication for all databases from being written to the log:

% ttDaemonLog -nologcomponent replication

To prevent messages and errors related to replication for the masterdsn database from being written to the log:

% ttDaemonLog -nologcomponent replication masterdsn

To prevent both replication and cache errors and messages from being written:

% ttDaemonLog -nologcomponent replication
% ttDaemonLog -nologcomponent cache

If, after disabling a component through the -nologcomponent option, you want to re-enable it, you can use the -logcomponent option. For example, after disabling messages for replication and cache as shown in the preceding example, you can re-enable replication messages as follows:

% ttDaemonLog -logcomponent replication

To re-enable logging for all TimesTen components, use the -logreset option:

% ttDaemonLog -logreset

The TimesTen Server generates a message each time an application connects to or disconnects from a client DSN if these messages were specified to be generated during installation. To display just the server log messages:

% ttDaemonLog -show server

To display just the replication agent messages:

% ttDaemonLog -show replication

To display just the cache agent messages:

% ttDaemonLog -show cache

To display all messages from the TimesTen processes:

% ttDaemonLog -show all

On UNIX and Linux systems, to direct logging to the local7 facility:

% ttDaemonLog -facility local7


  • While primarily intended for use by TimesTen Customer Support, this information may be useful to system administrators and developers.

  • This utility is supported only where the TimesTen Data Manager is installed.

  • To permanently set or disable verbose logging, change the options in the timesten.conf file. See Error, Warning, and Informational Messages in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.