
This procedure queries a subscriber database in a replication scheme configured with a return service and a RETURN DISABLE failure policy to determine whether return service blocking for the subscriber has been disabled by the failure policy.

The ttRepSyncSubscriberStatus procedure returns the failure status of the subscriber database with the specified name on the specified host. You can specify only the storeName. However, an error is generated if the replication scheme contains multiple subscribers with the same name on different hosts.

Required Privilege

This procedure requires no privilege.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This procedure is supported in TimesTen Classic but not supported in TimesTen Scaleout.

Related Views

This procedure has no related views.


ttRepSyncSubscriberStatus('subscriber', 'hostName')


ttRepSyncSubscriberStatus has these parameters:

Parameter Type Description



The name of the subscribing database to be queried.



The host name of one or more stores that are configured to receive updates from the executing store; if NULL, then receiving stores are identified by receiver alone. If both receiver and host name are NULL, then all receiving stores are selected.

Result Set

ttRepSyncSubscriberStatus returns:

Column Type Description



Value is either:

1 - The return service has been disabled on the subscriber database.

0 - The return service is still enabled on the subscriber database.


If the replication scheme specifies DISABLE RETURN ALL, then you must use ttRepSyncSubscriberStatus to query the status of each individual subscriber in the replication scheme.