
The ttSQLExecutionTimeHistogram built-in procedure returns a histogram of SQL execution times for either a single SQL command or all SQL commands if command cache sampling is enabled.

Required Privilege

This procedure requires the ADMIN privilege.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This procedure is supported in TimesTen Classic.

TimesTen Scaleout applications can call this built-in procedure.

In TimesTen Scaleout, this procedure runs locally on the element from which it is called.

Related Views

This procedure has these related views.






ttSQLExecutionTimeHistogram has the optional parameter:

Parameter Type Description



The unique identifier of a SQL command in the TimesTen command cache. If no value is supplied displays information about all current commands in the TimesTen command cache.

Result Set

ttSQLExecutionTimeHistogram returns the result set:

Column Type Description



The number of SQL command execution time operations have been measured since either the database was started or the ttStatsConfig built-in procedure was used to reset the statistics.



The accumulated wall clock execution time when sampling in seconds.



The upper limit in seconds of execution time.



The number of SQL commands with time less than or equal to ExecutionTimeLimit and greater than ExecutionTimeLimit from the previous row or 0.


The following example shows the output for the ttSQLExecutionTimeHistogram built-in procedure:

The following example of the ttSQLExecutionTimeHistogram built-in procedure shows that a total of 1919 statements run. The total time for all 1919 statements to run was 1.090751 seconds. This example shows that SQL statements ran in the following time frames:

  • 278 statements run in a time frame that was less than or equal to 0.00001562 seconds.

  • 1484 statements run in a time frame that was greater than 0.00001562 seconds and less than or equal to 0.000125 seconds.

  • 35 statements run in a time frame that was greater than 0.000125 seconds and less than or equal to 0.001 seconds.

  • 62 statements run in a time frame that was greater than 0.001 seconds and less than or equal to 0.008 seconds.

  • 60 statements run in a time frame that was greater than 0.008 seconds and less than or equal to 0.064 seconds.

Command> call ttSQLExecutionTimeHistogram;
< 1919, 1.090751, .00001562, 278 >
< 1919, 1.090751, .000125, 1484 >
< 1919, 1.090751, .001, 35 >
< 1919, 1.090751, .008, 62 >
< 1919, 1.090751, .064, 60 >
< 1919, 1.090751, .512, 0 >
< 1919, 1.090751, 4.096, 0 >
< 1919, 1.090751, 32.768, 0 >
< 1919, 1.090751, 262.144, 0 >
< 1919, 1.090751, 9.999999999E+125, 0 >
10 rows found.

See Also