Upgrade a Grid (gridUpgrade)

The gridUpgrade command upgrades a grid to a patch-compatible release by performing three main tasks:
  1. Creates, for each host in the model, an installation of the provided TimesTen installation or distribution.
  2. Upgrades the management instances to the specified release.
  3. Upgrades the data instances to the specified release.
ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -createInstallations -source where

ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -type mgmt -to release 
                        [-metadata file] 

ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -type data -to release 
                        [-metadata file] 

To fully upgrade a grid with the gridUpgrade command, you will need to run the gridUpgrade command at least thrice, once per main task and in the order they are presented above. For more information, see Upgrading a Grid in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.


The gridUpgrade command has the options:

Option Description


Creates an installation of the provided TimesTen distribution or installation for each host.

-type mgmt|data

Specifies which type of instances to upgrade, management or data.

-source where

Use this option with the -createInstallations option to specify the location of the TimesTen distribution. The location does not have to be on a system that is part of the grid. You can specify it in any of the following formats, as applicable:


If path is a directory, it must be the top-level tt22.1.x.y.z directory of an existing TimesTen installation. If it is a file, it must be a .zip file that expands into a TimesTen installation. The address is a DNS or IP address.

If address is specified, passwordless SSH is used to fetch the installation source from the system with that address. You must use the fourth format if there is a colon in the address itself, such as for IPv6 addresses.

Also see Address formats.

-to release

Use this option with the-type option to specify the target release for the upgrade. You must specify all five parts of the release number, separated by period (such as


When supported, use this option with the -type data option to upgrade data instances while maintaining at least one copy of each database loaded and open to connections.


Use this option with the -type data option to upgrade data instances when all databases in the grid are unloaded.


Use this option with the-type option to stop the command from verifying if the current release supports the upgrade to the target release.

If not specified, the command uses the release compatibility metadata either provided in the -metadata option or included in the available installations.

For more information on the release compatibility metadata, see Release Compatibility Metadata in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.


Displays the commands to be performed but does not run them. Other options you specify will be reflected in the list of commands to be performed.

-metadata file

Use this option with the -type option to specify the path and name of the file that contains the metadata about supported upgrades.

If not specified, the command uses the release compatibility metadata included in the available installations.

For more information on the release compatibility metadata, see Release Compatibility Metadata in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.


This example creates installations from a TimesTen distribution. Then, the example lists all TimesTen installations in the model.

% ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -createInstallations -source /mydir/timesten2211220.server.linux8664.zip 
Checking for existing installations of TimesTen
Creating missing installation objects.................................OK
Applying model to create new installations............................OK

% ttGridAdmin installationList
Host  Install       Location                         Comment
----- ------------- -------------------------------- -------
host1 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host1 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host2 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host2 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host3 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host3 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host4 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host4 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host5 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host5 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host6 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host6 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host7 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host7 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.
host8 installation1 /grid/tt22.
host8 installation2 /grid/installation2/tt22.

This example upgrades the management instances to the TimesTen release.

% ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -type mgmt -to
Checking prerequisites................................................OK
Checking for existing installations of TimesTen
Verify that upgrade is known to be supported..........................OK
Verify that instances are running the expected releases...............OK
Determining management instance state.................................OK
Modify instance host2.instance1.......................................OK
Apply change..........................................................OK
Stop standby management instance host2.instance1......................OK
Start standby management instance host2.instance1.....................OK
Fail over to management instance host2.instance1......................OK
Start standby management instance host1.instance1.....................OK
Modify instance host1.instance1.......................................OK
Apply change..........................................................OK
Stop standby management instance host1.instance1......................OK
Start standby management instance host1.instance1.....................OK
Fail over to management instance host1.instance1......................OK
Start standby management instance host2.instance1.....................OK

This example performs an online upgrade of the data instances to the TimesTen release.

% ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -type data -to -online
Checking prerequisites................................................OK
Checking for existing installations of TimesTen
Verify that upgrade is known to be supported..........................OK
Verify that instances are running the expected releases...............OK
Modify instance host3.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host3.instance1..................................................OK
Start host3.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host3.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK     
Modify instance host6.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host6.instance1..................................................OK
Start host6.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host6.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK     
Modify instance host4.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host4.instance1..................................................OK
Start host4.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host4.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK     
Modify instance host7.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host7.instance1..................................................OK
Start host7.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host7.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK     
Modify instance host5.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host5.instance1..................................................OK
Start host5.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host5.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK     
Modify instance host8.instance1.......................................OK
Apply model...........................................................OK
Stop host8.instance1..................................................OK
Start host8.instance1.................................................OK
Waiting for host8.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK

This example performs an offline upgrade of the data instances to the TimesTen release.

% ttGridAdmin gridUpgrade -type data -to -offline
Checking prerequisites................................................OK
Checking for existing installations of TimesTen
Verify that upgrade is known to be supported..........................OK
Verify that instances are running the expected releases...............OK
Waiting for host3.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK
Waiting for host6.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK
Waiting for host4.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK
Waiting for host7.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK
Waiting for host5.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK
Waiting for host8.instance1 database database1 to reload..............OK


  • If there is no installation of the provided release associated to a host, the -createInstallations option will create an installation for that host and use the parent directory of the current installation and the default installation name as the path for the new installation. For example, if the location of the current installation for the host1 host is /grid/tt22., then the path for the new installation will be /grid/installation1. Once the installation is created, the installation files for the target release can be found at /grid/installation1/tt22. Note that if installation1 is already in use as an installation name, TimesTen will use installation2 and so on.

  • You can only use the -online option if the current release supports an online upgrade to the target release. See Upgrade the Data Instances in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Scaleout User's Guide.

  • You cannot use the -online option on a grid with k set to 1 or with no loaded databases.

  • The -offline option returns an error if any of the databases is loaded.