9 Next Steps

Here are some links for further investigation now that you have a basic understanding of cache concepts, cache groups, and some of the cache operations.

Task Description More Information

Try the LiveLab for cache

There is a LiveLab that you can use to become more familiar with how these steps work. There is a slight difference in the lab in that the lab assigns a small tablespace due to the fact that this is a lab and not a production environment.

Accelerate your Applications - Achieve Blazing Fast SQL With an Oracle TimesTen Cache.

Discover all of the available cache group types.

There are more than just two types of cache groups. This quick start guide showed the read-only and asynchronous writethrough cache groups.

Cache Group Types

Familiarize yourself with all autorefresh details.

You were briefly introduced to autorefresh when using the defaults. There are multiple ways you can manage how autorefresh works.

Automatically Refreshing a Cache Group

Read about all methods for synchronizing data between Oracle and TimesTen databases.

There are several methods for loading data from an Oracle database to the TimesTen database. There are a couple of methods for propagating data from the TimesTen database to the Oracle database.

Transmitting Changes Between the TimesTen and Oracle Databases

Learn how to specify what rows are cached in the TimesTen database.

Several cache operation SQL statements can contain a WHERE clause to restrict the rows to cache in the TimesTen database for particular cache group types. There are full details about when and how to use a WHERE clause.

Using a WHERE Clause

Familiarize yourself with all dynamic load details.

You were introduced to dynamic load. You specify whether your cache group is dynamically loaded by specifying the DYNAMIC keyword during cache group definition. There are more details about how to use dynamic load.

Dynamic Cache Groups

Learn how to pass SQL statements through to the Oracle database while connected to a TimesTen database.

All of the examples in this guide show the user logging into Oracle database to perform operations. However, there is a method called passthrough where when the application runs SQL statements on a TimesTen connection, the SQL statement is performed either in the TimesTen database or passed through to the Oracle database. Whether the SQL statement is performed in the TimesTen or Oracle database depends on the composition of the statement and the setting of the PassThrough connection attribute.

Setting a Passthrough Level

Manage your cache environment.

Once you have your cache groups up and running, you can manage your cache operations.

Managing a Caching Environment

Clean up your cache environment.

This section has information on how to clean up your cache environment.

Cleaning Up the Caching Environment