Explicitly or Dynamically Loaded Cache Groups

Cache groups can loaded either explicitly or dynamically.

Cache groups can be defined as either static or dynamic to specify how they can be loaded.

  • Static cache groups can only be explicitly loaded. The application preloads data into the cache tables from the Oracle database using a load cache group operation. From that point on, all data needed by the application is available in the TimesTen database.

  • Dynamic cache groups can be dynamically or explicitly loaded. Cache instances are automatically loaded into the cache from the Oracle database when the application references cache instances that are not already in the cache. The use of dynamic cache groups is typically coupled with least recently used (LRU) aging so that less recently used cache instances are aged out of the cache to free up space for recently used cache instances. Using dynamic cache groups is appropriate when the size of the data that qualifies for caching exceeds the size of the memory available for the TimesTen database.

All cache group types (read-only, AWT, SWT, user managed) can be defined as static or dynamic.

See Transmitting Changes Between the TimesTen and Oracle Databases in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Cache Guide.