SQL Administration

TimesTen provides SQL statements for administrative activities such as creating and managing tables, indexes, views, materialized views, synonyms, sequences, users, privileges and cache groups. TimesTen Classic provides SQL statements for creating and managing replication schemes.

Administrators can run SQL statements within the ttIsql utility. For example, there are several built-in ttIsql commands that display information on database structures.


For a complete list of SQL statements, see SQL Statements in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference.

TimesTen stores metadata (information about the contents of your database) in system tables in your database. TimesTen also provides system views that enable you to use SQL to query information.

In addition, TimesTen provides several local (V$) and global (GV$) system views you can query to retrieve metadata information about your database.

  • V$ views: Views that return information for a TimesTen Classic database or for the element to which your application is connected in TimesTen Scaleout.

  • GV$ view: GV$ views return the same type of information as the V$ views, except that the information returned is global in nature as it contains the contents of the V$ view for every element of the TimesTen Scaleout database.

See System Tables and Views in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database System Tables and Views Reference.