About Bringing Up One Database

This section assumes you have manually repaired or have manually performed maintenance on one of the databases associated with the TimesTenClassic object. The TimesTenClassic object is currently in the ManualInterventionRequired state. You now want to direct the Operator to treat the repaired database as the active, to perform the necessary steps to duplicate this database to the standby, and to bring up both databases, such that both are running and operating successfully.

Recall that all of these conditions must be met for the database:

  • TimesTen agent in the container is running.

  • TimesTen daemon (the instance) in the container is running.

  • TimesTen database is loaded.

  • There is no replication scheme in the database.

  • The replication agent is not running.

  • The replication state is IDLE.

These sections show you how to verify the conditions are met for the database and how to set the reexamine value:

Verify Conditions Are Met for the Database

Perform these steps to ensure the conditions are met for the database (the database to be the active). In this example, sample-1 will be the new active.

Note: These steps require you to use TimesTen utilities and TimesTen built-in procedures. See Utilities and Built-In Procedures in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for details.

  1. Confirm the TimesTenClassic object (sample, in this example) is in the ManualInterventionRequired state (represented in bold).
    % kubectl get ttc sample
    NAME     STATE                        ACTIVE     AGE
    sample   ManualInterventionRequired   sample-0   12h
  2. Use the kubectl exec -it command to invoke the shell within the sample-1 Pod that contains the TimesTen database. (This database will be the new active.)

    The remaining procedures take place within this shell.

    % kubectl exec -it sample-1  -c tt -- /bin/bash
  3. Use the ttDaemonAdmin utility to start TimesTen daemon (if not already started). Then use the ttAdmin utility to load the TimesTen database into memory (if not already loaded).
    % ttDaemonAdmin -start
    TimesTen Daemon (PID: 5948, port: 6624) startup OK.
    % ttAdmin -ramLoad sample
    RAM Residence Policy            : manual
    Manually Loaded In RAM          : True
    Replication Agent Policy        : manual
    Replication Manually Started    : False
    Cache Agent Policy              : manual
    Cache Agent Manually Started    : False
    Database State                  : Open
  4. Use the ttIsql utility to connect to the sample database. Then, call the ttRepStop built-in procedure to stop the replication agent.
    % ttIsql sample
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
    connect "DSN=sample";
    Connection successful: DSN=sample;UID=timesten;DataStore=/tt/home/timesten/datastore/sample;
    (Default setting AutoCommit=1)
    Command> call ttRepStop;
  5. From within ttIsql, use the SQL DROP ACTIVE STANDBY PAIR statement to drop the active standby pair replication scheme. Then use the ttIsql repschemes command to verify there are no replication schemes in the database. Exit from ttIsql.
    Command> repschemes;
    0 replication schemes found.
  6. Use the ttStatus utility to verify the TimesTen daemon is running and the replication agent is not running.
    % ttStatus
    TimesTen status report as of Sat Apr 24 02:14:15 2023
    Daemon pid 5948 port 6624 instance instance1
    TimesTen server pid 5955 started on port 6625
    Data store /tt/home/timesten/datastore/sample
    Daemon pid 5948 port 6624 instance instance1
    TimesTen server pid 5955 started on port 6625
    There are 15 connections to the data store
    Shared Memory KEY 0x0a100c60 ID 196609
    PL/SQL Memory Key 0x0b100c60 ID 229378 Address 0x5000000000
    Type            PID     Context             Connection Name              ConnID
    Process         10418   0x000000000218a6e0  sample                            2
    Process         8338    0x0000000001cbb6e0  sample                            1
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00000000015075f0  Manager                        2047
    Subdaemon       5953    0x0000000001588540  Rollback                       2046
    Subdaemon       5953    0x0000000001607210  Checkpoint                     2041
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00007f132c0008c0  Flusher                        2045
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00007f132c080370  Log Marker                     2040
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00007f13340008c0  Monitor                        2044
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00007f133407f330  HistGC                         2037
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00007f13380008c0  Aging                          2042
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00007f133807f330  AsyncMV                        2039
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00007f133c0008c0  Deadlock Detector              2043
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00007f133c07f330  IndexGC                        2038
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00007f135c0008c0  Garbage Collector              2035
    Subdaemon       5953    0x00007f13600e8e20  XactId Rollback                2036
    Open for user connections
    RAM residence policy: Manual
    Data store is manually loaded into RAM
    Replication policy  : Manual
    Cache Agent policy  : Manual
    PL/SQL enabled.
    Accessible by group timesten
    End of report

You have successfully verified the conditions for the database. The database is up and running. The Operator will treat this database as the active. You are now ready to set the value for the .spec.ttspec.reexamine datum.

Set the reexamine Value

This example shows you how to set the reexamine value in the TimesTenClassic object definition (sample, in this example). The example also illustrates the action the Operator takes after the reexamine value has been changed.

  1. Set the reexamine value. The value must be different than the current value for the TimesTenClassic object. When the Operator examines this value and notices it has changed since the last iteration, it will take appropriate action.

    Use the kubectl edit command to edit the TimesTenClassic object.

    • If there is a line for reexamine in the file, then modify its value. It must be different than the current value.

    • If there is no line for reexamine in the file, then add a line and specify a value.

    In this example, there is no reexamine line. This example adds the reexamine line and sets the value for reexamine to April22reexamine1 (represented in bold).

    Note: Not all output is shown.

    % kubectl edit timestenclassic sample
    # Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
    # and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this 
    # file will be reopened with the relevant failures.
    apiVersion: timesten.oracle.com/v1
    kind: TimesTenClassic
      name: sample
      namespace: mynamespace
    repCreateStatement: |
      create active standby pair
        "{{tt-name}}" on "{{tt-node-0}}",
        "{{tt-name}}" on "{{tt-node-1}}"
      store "{{tt-name}}" on "{{tt-node-0}}"
        PORT {{tt-rep-port}} FAILTHRESHOLD 0 TIMEOUT 999
      store "{{tt-name}}" on "{{tt-node-1}}"
        PORT {{tt-rep-port}} FAILTHRESHOLD 0 TIMEOUT 999
        bothDownBehavior: Best
        - sample
        image: container-registry.oracle.com/timesten/timesten:
        imagePullSecret: sekret
        storageClassName: oci-bv
        storageSize: 250Gi
        reexamine: April22reexamine1
    timestenclassic.timesten.oracle.com/sample edited
  2. Use the kubectl get command to assess the state of the sample TimesTenClassic object. Observe how the state changes as you issue multiple kubectl get commands. Also note that the Operator has successfully configured sample-1 to be the active.
    % kubectl get ttc sample 
    NAME     STATE       ACTIVE   AGE 
    sample   Reexamine   None     68m 
    % kubectl get ttc sample 
    NAME     STATE               ACTIVE   AGE 
    sample   ConfiguringActive   None     68m 
    % kubectl get ttc sample 
    NAME     STATE         ACTIVE     AGE 
    sample   StandbyDown   sample-1   68m 
    % kubectl get ttc sample 
    NAME     STATE    ACTIVE     AGE
    sample   Normal   sample-1   71m
  3. Use the kubectl describe command to further review the actions of the Operator (represented in bold).

    Not all output is shown:

    % kubectl describe ttc sample
    Name:         sample
    Namespace:    mynamespace
    Kind:         TimesTenClassic
    Rep Create Statement:  create active standby pair
      "{{tt-name}}" on "{{tt-node-0}}",
      "{{tt-name}}" on "{{tt-node-1}}"
    store "{{tt-name}}" on "{{tt-node-0}}"
      PORT {{tt-rep-port}} FAILTHRESHOLD 0 TIMEOUT 999
    store "{{tt-name}}" on "{{tt-node-1}}"
      PORT {{tt-rep-port}} FAILTHRESHOLD 0 TIMEOUT 999
        Both Down Behavior:  Best
        Db Config Map:
        Image:               container-registry.oracle.com/timesten/timesten:
        Image Pull Policy:   Always
        Image Pull Secret:   sekret
        Reexamine:           April22reexamine1
        Stop Managing:       April21Stop1
        Storage Class Name:  oci-bv
        Storage Size:        250Gi
      Classic Upgrade Status:
        Active Start Time:           0
        Active Status:
        Image Update Pending:        false
        Last Upgrade State Switch:   0
        Prev Reset Upgrade State:
        Prev Upgrade State:
        Standby Start Time:          0
        Standby Status:
        Upgrade Start Time:          0
        Upgrade State:
      Active Pods:                   sample-1
      High Level State:              Normal
      Last Event:                    54
      Last High Level State Switch:  1619230912
      Pod Status:
        Cache Status:
          Cache Agent:        Not Running
          Cache UID Pwd Set:  true
          N Cache Groups:     0
        Db Status:
          Db:                          Loaded
          Db Id:                       475
          Db Updatable:                No
        Initialized:                   true
        Last High Level State Switch:  ?
        Pod Status:
          Agent:                Up
          Last Time Reachable:  1619231126
          Pod IP:     
          Pod Phase:            Running
        Prev High Level State:  Healthy
        Prev Image:
        Replication Status:
          Last Time Rep State Changed:  0
          Rep Agent:                    Running
          Rep Peer P State:             start
          Rep Scheme:                   Exists
          Rep State:                    STANDBY
        Times Ten Status:
          Daemon:          Up
          Instance:        Exists
        Admin User File:   false
        Cache User File:   false
        Cg File:           false
        Disable Return:    false
        High Level State:  Healthy
        Intended State:    Standby
        Local Commit:      false
        Name:              sample-0
        Schema File:       false
        Using Twosafe:     false
        Cache Status:
          Cache Agent:        Not Running
          Cache UID Pwd Set:  true
          N Cache Groups:     0
        Db Status:
          Db:                          Loaded
          Db Id:                       476
          Db Updatable:                Yes
        Initialized:                   true
        Last High Level State Switch:  ?
        Pod Status:
          Agent:                Up
          Last Time Reachable:  1619231126
          Pod IP:     
          Pod Phase:            Running
        Prev High Level State:  Healthy
        Prev Image:
        Replication Status:
          Last Time Rep State Changed:  1619228670
          Rep Agent:                    Running
          Rep Peer P State:             start
          Rep Scheme:                   Exists
          Rep State:                    ACTIVE
        Times Ten Status:
          Daemon:             Up
          Instance:           Exists
        Admin User File:      false
        Cache User File:      false
        Cg File:              false
        Disable Return:       false
        High Level State:     Healthy
        Intended State:       Active
        Local Commit:         false
        Name:                 sample-1
        Schema File:          false
        Using Twosafe:        false
      Prev High Level State:  StandbyDown
      Prev Reexamine:         April22reexamine1
      Prev Stop Managing:     April21Stop1
      Rep Create Statement:   create active standby pair "sample" on 
    "sample-0.sample.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local", "sample" on 
    "sample-1.sample.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" NO RETURN store "sample" on 
    "sample-0.sample.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" PORT 4444 FAILTHRESHOLD 0 store 
    "sample" on "sample-1.sample.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local" PORT 4444 FAILTHRESHOLD 0
      Rep Port:               4444
      Status Version:         1.0
      Type  Reason       Age    From       Message
      ----  ------       ----   ----       -------
      -     StateChange  58m    ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was Normal, now ManualInterventionRequired
      -     StateChange  46m    ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Daemon Down
      -     StateChange  41m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Daemon Down
      -     StateChange  41m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Daemon Up
      -     StateChange  41m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Database Unloaded
      -     StateChange  40m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Database Loaded
      -     StateChange  40m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepState IDLE
      -     StateChange  40m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepAgent Not Running
      -     StateChange  17m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 Database Updatable
      -     StateChange  17m    ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepScheme None
      -     StateChange  4m21s  ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was ManualInterventionRequired, now Reexamine
      -     Error        4m16s  ttclassic  Active error: Daemon Down
      -     StateChange  4m16s  ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was Reexamine, now ConfiguringActive
      -     StateChange  4m10s  ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepState ACTIVE
      -     StateChange  4m10s  ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepScheme Exists
      -     StateChange  4m10s  ttclassic  Pod sample-1 RepAgent Running
      -     StateChange  4m8s   ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was ConfiguringActive, now StandbyDown
      -     StateChange  4m3s   ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Daemon Up
      -     StateChange  4m3s   ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Database Unloaded
      -     StateChange  3m56s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Database None
      -     StateChange  3m42s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Database Loaded
      -     StateChange  3m42s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 Database Not Updatable
      -     StateChange  3m42s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 RepAgent Not Running
      -     StateChange  3m42s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 RepState IDLE
      -     StateChange  3m36s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 RepAgent Running
      -     StateChange  3m36s  ttclassic  Pod sample-0 RepState STANDBY
      -     StateChange  3m36s  ttclassic  TimesTenClassic was StandbyDown, now Normal
  4. Use the kubectl exec -it command to invoke the shell within the sample-1 Pod that contains the TimesTen database. Then, verify you can connect to the active database.
    % kubectl exec -it sample-1 -c tt -- /bin/bash
    $ ttIsql sample
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
    connect "DSN=sample";
    Connection successful: DSN=sample;UID=timesten;DataStore=/tt/home/timesten/datastore/sample;
    (Default setting AutoCommit=1)
    Command> call ttRepStateGet;
    < ACTIVE >
    1 row found.
  5. Use the kubectl exec -it command to invoke the shell within the sample-0 Pod that contains the TimesTen database. Then, verify you can connect to the standby database.
    % kubectl exec -it sample-0 -c tt -- /bin/bash
    % ttIsql sample
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
    connect "DSN=sample";
    Connection successful: DSN=sample;UID=timesten;DataStore=/tt/home/timesten/datastore/sample;
    (Default setting AutoCommit=1)
    Command> call ttRepStateGet;
    < STANDBY >
    1 row found.

The Operator is now managing and monitoring your TimesTenClassic object. The TimesTenClassic object is in the Normal state. Both databases are up and running and ready for use.