Delete TimesTen Databases

To delete a TimesTenClassic object and the active standby pair of TimesTen Classic databases associated with this TimesTenClassic object, you uninstall the ttclassic release that your previously installed.

  1. List the releases.
     helm list


    NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
    samplettop      mynamespace     3               2023-10-17 22:31:06.530832896 +0000 UTC deployed        ttoperator-2211190.1.0
    samplettc       mynamespace     3               2023-10-17 21:31:06.164158714 +0000 UTC deployed        ttclassic-2211190.1.0
    ttcrd           mynamespace     3               2023-10-17 23:31:06.530832896 +0000 UTC deployed        ttcrd-2211190.1.0

    The samplettc release is installed in your namespace. The chart is ttclassic.

  2. Confirm the TimesTenClassic object is deployed in your namespace.
    kubectl get ttc samplettc


    NAME        STATE    ACTIVE        AGE
    samplettc   Normal   samplettc-0   2d1h
  3. Uninstall the samplettc release. This operation deletes the samplettc TimesTenClassic object, deletes the active standby pair of TimesTen Classic databases associated with the samplettc TimesTenClassic object, and deletes any other relevant Kubernetes objects. Since the Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) are not automatically deleted, you must manually delete them. A later step shows you how to do this.
    helm uninstall samplettc


    release "samplettc" uninstalled

    The samplettc release is uninstalled.

  4. Confirm the TimesTenClassic object is deleted.
    kubectl get ttc samplettc


    Error from server (NotFound): "samplettc" not found
  5. Confirm the ConfigMap is deleted.
    kubectl get configmap samplettc


    Error from server (NotFound): configmaps "samplettc" not found
  6. Delete the Persistent Volume Claims.
    kubectl get pvc


    NAME                        STATUS   VOLUME                                                                              CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
    tt-persistent-samplettc-0   Bound    ocid1.volume.oc1.phx.abyhqljswsjqkcbdo2om3gvfinqs7bfjoaup22uurjjil5q3o5kk65expxjq   10Gi       RWO            oci-bv         43m
    tt-persistent-samplettc-1   Bound    ocid1.volume.oc1.phx.abyhqljt5ql4xiof6t6hbwaoaiol7w5zyobagexpoapxkoq3wcq2nsftehvq   10Gi       RWO            oci-bv         43m


    kubectl delete pvc tt-persistent-samplettc-0
    kubectl delete pvc tt-persistent-samplettc-1
The samplettc TimesTenClassic object, the samplettc ConfigMap, the TimesTen databases associated with the samplettc TimesTenClassic object, and all other Kubernetes objects created by the helm install samplettc command are deleted. Since the Persistent Volume Claims on which the databases are stored are not automatically deleted, you deleted them manually.