6 Deploy TimesTen Scaleout Databases

The TimesTen Operator supports the deployment of a TimesTen Scaleout grid and associated databases in your Kubernetes cluster.

This chapter provides background information about the deployment process. It summarizes the planning process for configuring a grid and shows you how to apply that plan when configuring a grid in the Kubernetes environment. It describes the steps the TimesTen Operator takes to deploy and provision a grid based on the information you provide. Use this information to gain an understanding of how the Operator functions when deploying your TimesTen Scaleout grid.

The second part of the chapter provides you with an end-to-end example that shows you the steps to deploy your grid in the Kubernetes cluster.

If you want to advance directly to the example, see Deploy a Grid.

The TimesTen Operator also supports TimesTen Cache in TimesTen Scaleout. See Work with TimesTen Cache.


You cannot use Helm to deploy TimesTen Scaleout databases. Instead, use the procedures in this chapter.