About the Deployment Process

The TimesTen Operator extends the Kubernetes API to provide the TimesTenClassic object type. This type provides the definitions you need to successfully deploy your TimesTen databases to the Kubernetes cluster. You customize these definitions for your particular environment. Specifically, you create a YAML file and, in it, you specify the required TimesTenClassic definitions for the TimesTenClassic object. By assigning values to the fields of these definitions, you customize and define your deployment environment. For example, when you supply the oci-bv value for the storageClassName field, you are telling the Operator the name of the storage class you want to use. See "The TimesTen Kubernetes Operator Object Types" for the object definitions, and the fields that you define in your YAML file.

Examples of the YAML file were introduced previously when discussing ConfigMaps and Secrets, an init container, and other configuration options. (See "Using ConfigMaps and Secrets" for information on ConfigMaps and Secrets. Also see "Using an init container" and "Additional Configuration Options" for other configuration options.) However, "Define and Create a TimesTenClassic Object" shows you how to define the TimesTenClassic object in detail.

After specifying your configuration in the YAML file, you use the kubectl create command from your Linux development host to create the corresponding TimesTenClassic object in your cluster. After you issue this command, the process for deploying your active standby pair of TimesTen databases begins. You can view this process by issuing kubectl get and kubectl describe commands, such as, kubectl get pods and kubectl describe timestenclassic. Once your databases are deployed, you can then connect to your active database, issue queries, and perform other operations to verify your database is working as it should.