18 Helm Charts for the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator

Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes. The TimesTen Kubernetes Operator (TimesTen Operator) provides Helm charts that allow you to deploy the TimesTen CRDs, TimesTen Operator, and TimesTenClassic objects that the TimesTen Operator manages.

The TimesTen Operator supports the following charts:
  • ttcrd: Deploys the TimesTen Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) into the Kubernetes cluster.

  • ttoperator: Deploys the TimesTen Operator.

  • ttclassic: Creates a TimesTenClassic object, thus deploying an active standby pair of TimesTen databases.

Each chart contains variables and default values that are specific to the chart. For example, the ttclassic chart contains the variables and default values that are specific to creating and deploying a TimesTenClassic object. You have the option of defining your own values for the variables in the charts. The exception is the ttcrd chart. You cannot change the values of the variables in this chart.

The following sections describe the values and defaults values for the ttoperator and the ttclassic charts:

For detailed information about using Helm, see Use Helm to Deploy the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator and TimesTenClassic Objects.