Monitor Deployment of a TimesTenScaleout Object

Use the kubectl get and the kubectl describe commands to monitor the progress of the grid and its associated databases. There is one database in this example.

  1. Use the kubectl get command and review the OVERALL field. Observe the value is Initializing.
    kubectl get tts cachegrid
    The output is similar to the following.
    NAME        OVERALL        MGMT   CREATE   LOAD   OPEN   AGE
    cachegrid   Initializing                                 12s
    kubectl get tts cachegrid
    The output is similar to the following.
    NAME        OVERALL          MGMT   CREATE   LOAD   OPEN   AGE
    cachegrid   ZookeeperReady                                 3m
    kubectl get tts cachegrid
    The output is similar to the following.
    cachegrid   GridCreated                                 3m54s
    kubectl get tts cachegrid
    The output is similar to the following.
    NAME        OVERALL            MGMT   CREATE   LOAD   OPEN   AGE
    cachegrid   InstancesCreated                                 6m17s
    kubectl get tts cachegrid
    The output is similar to the following.
    NAME        OVERALL           MGMT   CREATE   LOAD   OPEN   AGE
    cachegrid   DatabaseCreated                                 6m59s
  2. Use the kubectl get command again to see if the TimesTenScaleout object has transitioned to the Normal state. A Normal state indicates the grid and database are provisioned, and the process is complete.
    kubectl get tts cachegrid
    The output is similar to the following.
    NAME        OVERALL   MGMT     CREATE    LOAD              OPEN   AGE
    cachegrid   Normal    Normal   created   loaded-complete   open   8m29s

You successfully deployed your grid and database. Let's verify TimesTen Cache is configured correctly, and is working properly.