About New TimesTen Container Images

The TimesTen Kubernetes Operator lets you upgrade the TimesTen Operator and TimesTen Classic to a new patch or patch set release. There are separate procedures in place for upgrading the Operator and for upgrading TimesTen Classic.

Both the Operator as well as each TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout object require a TimesTen container image. You tell the Operator the location of the image registry and the name of the container image when you initially deploy the Operator and a TimesTenClassic or a TimesTenScaleout object.

When you upgrade the Operator to a new patch or patch set, you need to decide if you want to use a TimesTen container image that is located in a timesten repository on container-registry.oracle.com or if you want to build your own TimesTen container image. It is your choice as to which option you choose. For information about TimesTen container images, see About TimesTen Container Images.

Option 1: Use container-registry.oracle.com/timesten or container-registry.oracle.com/timesten-xe.

There are multiple container images available on the container-registry.oracle.com/timesten and container-registry.oracle.com/timesten-xe repositories. Browse the repositories and choose a container image that you want to use for the upgrade.

For example, if you want to upgrade to TimesTen release, a suitable TimesTen container image is:

After you choose the container image, you must obtain the Operator manifest files from it.

For information about how to use a TimesTen container image located in a container-registry.oracle.com timesten repository, and how to obtain the Operator manifest files from it, see Option 1: Use the Official TimesTen Container Images.

Option 2: Build a TimesTen container image

The TimesTen distribution contains the TimesTen Operator distribution. The TimesTen Operator distribution provides a Dockerfile for building a TimesTen container image. For the upgrade, choose the pertinent TimesTen patch or patchset distribution. Download and unpack it. Next, unpack the Operator distribution. The Operator distribution not only includes the Dockerfile to build your container image, but also contains the Operator manifest files.

For example, if you want to upgrade to TimesTen release, a suitable TimesTen distribution is:

For information about building a TimesTen container image, see Option 2: Build the TimesTen Container Image.

After you complete the tasks for either Option 1 or Option 2, you should know the following:
  • Name of image registry

    For example, container-registry.oracle.com/timesten or phx.ocir.io/youraccount

  • Name of image

    For example, timesten:

  • Directory that contains the Operator manifest files

    For example, new_kube_files

    The Operator manifest files include the new crd.yaml and the new service_account.yaml files. You update your Kubernetes cluster with these files. There is also a new operator.yaml file. You edit this file with the location and name of the new TimesTen container image. These tasks are described in Upgrade the Operator.

For the examples in the upcoming sections, let's assume:
  • Location of the image registry is container-registry.oracle.com/timesten.

  • Name of the image is timesten:

  • Operator manifest files reside in the new_kube_files directory on your development host.