Overview of the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator Object Types

The TimesTen Kubernetes Operator (TimesTen Operator) installation defines the TimesTenClassic and the TimesTenScaleout object types to the Kubernetes cluster. An object of type TimesTenClassic describes the metadata for an active standby pair of TimesTen databases using TimesTen Classic. An object of type TimesTenScaleout describes the metadata for a TimesTen grid and a TimesTen database within the grid using TimesTen Scaleout. You can create as many of these TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout objects as you like.

The definition of the TimesTenClassic and the TimesTenScaleout object types use the same basic format that the formal Kubernetes documentation uses to define objects that are built-in to Kubernetes. The facilities available in any given Kubernetes cluster depend on what release of Kubernetes the cluster is using. For information on the Kubernetes API documentation, see:


The Kubernetes API reference documentation refers to a number of built-in Kubernetes types used in the definition of the TimesTenClassic and the TimesTenScaleout object types. A Kubernetes StatefulSet is of particular importance. The TimesTenClassic and the TimesTenScaleout object types are basically a wrapper around a StatefulSet type. For more information, see:



All of the metadata is passed from the object to the StatefulSet.