Overview of TimesTen Metrics

There are several TimesTen metrics that can be exposed to Prometheus or another scraping mechanism. These metrics are collected from a variety of sources, including TimesTen system tables and views and TimesTen built-in procedures and utilities. For more information about TimesTen metrics, see The Metrics Supported by the TimesTen exporter in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Monitoring and Troubleshooting Guide.

Prometheus is an open source monitoring and alerting toolkit. It collects and stores metrics from monitored targets by scraping the http (or https) metrics endpoint on these targets.

TimesTen exports TimesTen metrics to Prometheus by using the TimesTen ttExporter (TimesTen exporter) utility. The TimesTen exporter presents itself as an http or https server. When the TimesTen exporter receives an http or https request to the /metrics endpoint, it retrieves the TimesTen metrics from each database that it monitors and prepares a plain text http or https response with the metrics.

The TimesTen exporter converts TimesTen metrics into a form supported by Prometheus. This simple integration lets you monitor the health and operation of your TimesTen databases.

The TimesTen exporter is supported in TimesTen Classic and in TimesTen Scaleout. In TimesTen Scaleout, the TimesTen exporter is deployed on each data instance and on the management instance.

For information about Prometheus and the TimesTen exporter, see About Prometheus and About the TimesTen exporter in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Monitoring and Troubleshooting Guide.