
Review and complete the following prerequisites:

  • Ensure you have a working Kubernetes cluster.

    • Your cluster must provide a StorageClass that can be used to request Persistent Volumes. You must know the name of this storage class. For example, in OKE, you can use the oci-bv storage class. For more information on Storage Classes, see:

    • The nodes in your cluster must have their clocks synchronized through NTP, or equivalent.

  • Ensure you have a development host to access the Kubernetes cluster. This development host must reside outside the Kubernetes cluster, and you must be able to access and to control the Kubernetes cluster from this host. On it, you must install:

    • The kubectl command line tool: You use the kubectl command line tool to control and mange the Kubernetes cluster.

    • The docker command line tool: You use the docker command line tool when working with the TimesTen container image. For example, you use the docker command line tool to build the TimesTen container image and to push it to your container registry.


For a list of supported Kubernetes releases, see the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Release Notes.