About Specifying Requests and Limits for TimesTen Containers

For TimesTen Classic and TimesTen Scaleout, the TimesTen Operator provides default values for memory and CPU requests for the daemonlog and exporter containers. For TimesTen Scaleout specifically, the TimesTen Operator provides default values for CPU and memory requests for the tt container of the management instance and for the zookeeper container. You can override these defaults by specifying specific datum in the .spec.ttspec section of your TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout object definitions.

These datum are as follows:
  • daemonLogMemoryRequest

  • daemonLogCPURequest

  • exporterMemoryRequest

  • exporterCPURequest

  • mgmtMemoryRequest: (TimesTen Scaleout)

  • mgmtCPURequest: (TimesTenScaleout)

  • zookeeperMemoryRequest: (TimesTen Scaleout)

  • zookeeperCPURequest: (TimesTen Scaleout)

The TimesTen Operator does not provide a default value for the CPU request of a tt container. If you want to specify a value for this CPU request, use the .spec.ttspec.databaseCPURequest datum in your TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout object definitions.

For details about these datum, see TimesTenClassicSpecSpec and TimesTenScaleoutSpecSpec.

Let's explore how the TimesTen Operator gathers information for memory and CPU requests and limits and passes the information to Kubernetes. There are two approaches:
  • Use specific datum in .spec.ttspec for requests and limits: This is the default approach and the approach we recommend. The TimesTen Operator provides specific datum in the .spec.ttspec section of your TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout object definitions and passes the information in these datum to Kubernetes. The TimesTen Operator also automatically determines an appropriate memory request and limit for your tt containers.

  • Use templates for requests and limits: This approach uses memory and CPU requests and limits information in templates. In this approach, you specify values for memory and CPU requests for the TimesTen containers. The TimesTen Operator passes this information to Kubernetes.

The specific datum are discussed in detail in subsequent sections in this chapter.

Here is a summary list of the datum:
  • automaticMemoryRequests

  • databaseCPURequest

  • databaseMemorySize

  • additionalMemoryRequest

  • memoryWarningPercent

For details about these datum, see TimesTenClassicSpecSpec and TimesTenScaleoutSpecSpec.