About TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout Objects

The TimesTen Operator distribution provides the file you need to deploy the TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout CRDs in the Kubernetes cluster. Once deployed, Kubernetes understands the TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout object types, just as it understands Pods, Secrets, and Services.

You can define objects of type TimesTenClassic or of type TimesTenScaleout or both. This lets you define the specific attributes for your TimesTen configuration and TimesTen database.

Objects in Kubernetes are named and typed. You can define a TimesTenClassic object named sample and another TimesTenClassic object named sample2. Similarly, you can define a TimesTenScaleout object named sample and another TimesTenScaleout object named sample2. You can have as many of these Kubernetes objects as you want, limited only by the available resources in your Kubernetes cluster.

Objects of different types have different meanings. For example, an object of type TimesTenClassic has a different meaning than an object of type ConfigMap. Therefore, you can define a sample TimesTenClassic object and a sample ConfigMap. The same is true for TimesTenScaleout objects.

Kubernetes supports namespaces. Namespaces split a cluster into multiple independent ones. Each namespace has a completely independent set of names. There can be an object of type a called x in namespace1 and a different object of type a called x in namespace2. For example, you can define an object of type TimesTenClassic called sample in the namespace1 namespace, and a different object of type TimesTenClassic called sample in the namespace2 namespace. The same is true for TimesTenScaleout objects.


CRDs are cluster-scoped, not namespace-scoped.

Kubernetes object definitions are expressed in JSON or YAML. The examples in this book use YAML.