
TimesTenClassicStatus appears in TimesTenClassic. The Operator stores various persistent information in TimesTenClassicStatus.

The output of the kubectl get and kubectl describe commands display information in TimesTenClassicStatus. This information includes the following:

  • awtBehindMb: a field that is present only if AWT (Asynchronous WriteThrough) is in use. The field represents how many megabytes of log is present in TimesTen that has not yet been pushed to Oracle Database. For more information on AWT cache group, see Overview of Cache Groups in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Cache Guide.

  • High Level state of the Active Standby Pair: a string that describes the High Level state of the active standby pair.

  • Detailed state of TimesTen in each Pod, which includes the following:

    • Is the TimesTen agent running?

    • Is the TimesTen main daemon running?

    • Is the TimesTen replication agent running?

    • Is the TimesTen cache agent running?

    • Is there a database in the instance?

    • Is the database loaded?

    • Is the database updatable or read only?

    • Is there a replication scheme in the database?

    • What is the replication state of this database?

    • What does this database think the replication state of its peer is?

    • What is the role for TimesTen in this Pod (active or standby)?

    • What is the High Level state of the Pod?


Unknown values can occur if, for example, the agent is not running or a Pod is unavailable.