About Using http or https for TimesTen Metrics

TimesTen metrics are available by http or https.

The default behavior is https and is discussed in About Transport Layer Security (mutual TLS) Certificates for TimesTen Metrics.

To cause the TimesTen Operator to use http for TimesTen metrics, specify the .spec.ttspec.prometheus.insecure datum in a TimesTenClassic or TimesTenScaleout object YAML manifest file.

Here is a code snippet of a TimesTenClassic object YAML manifest file showing you how to do this:
apiVersion: timesten.oracle.com/v1
kind: TimesTenClassic
  name: usehttp
      insecure: true
      port: 7777
Note the following:
  • The .spec.ttspec.insecure datum is specified in the .spec.ttspec.prometheus clause of the TimesTenClassic object. This causes the TimesTen Operator to configure the TimesTen exporter to serve TimesTen metrics using http.

    The .spec.ttspec.port datum is specified. This is the port on which the TimesTen exporter listens. The causes the TimesTen Operator to set up the http server on TCP port 7777 in each TimesTen Pod.