Verify the Active Standby Pair of Databases Are Upgraded

After the upgrade process is complete for your TimesTenClassic objects, you can verify the active and standby databases are running the new release of TimesTen.

  1. For the sample TimesTenClassic object, invoke a shell in the active Pod (sample-1, in this example). Then, run the TimesTen ttVersion utility to verify the release is the new release (, in this example).
    kubectl exec -it sample-1 -c tt -- /bin/bash

    Run the TimesTen ttVersion utility.


    The output is similar to the following.

    TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64) (instance1:6624) 2023-09-29T07:40:22Z
      Instance admin: timesten
      Instance home directory: /tt/home/timesten/instances/instance1
      Group owner: timesten
      Daemon home directory: /tt/home/timesten/instances/instance1/info
      PL/SQL enabled.

    Exit from the shell.

  2. Invoke a shell in the standby Pod (sample-0, in this example). Then, run the ttVersion utility to verify the release is the new release (, in this example).
    kubectl exec -it sample-0 -c tt -- /bin/bash

    Run the TimesTen ttVersion utility.


    The output is similar to the following.

    TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64) (instance1:6624) 2023-09-29T07:40:22Z
      Instance admin: timesten
      Instance home directory: /tt/home/timesten/instances/instance1
      Group owner: timesten
      Daemon home directory: /tt/home/timesten/instances/instance1/info
      PL/SQL enabled.

    Exit from the shell.

  3. For the sample2 TimesTenClassic object, invoke a shell in the active Pod (sample2-1, in this example). Then, use the ttVersion utility to verify the release is the new release (, in this example).
     kubectl exec -it sample2-1 -c tt -- /bin/bash

    Run the TimesTen ttVersion utility.


    The output is similar to the following.

    TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64) (instance1:6624) 2023-09-29T07:40:22Z
      Instance admin: timesten
      Instance home directory: /tt/home/timesten/instances/instance1
      Group owner: timesten
      Daemon home directory: /tt/home/timesten/instances/instance1/info
      PL/SQL enabled.

    Exit from the shell.

  4. Invoke a shell in the standby Pod (sample2-0, in this example). Then, use the ttVersion utility to verify the release is the new release (, in this example).
    kubectl exec -it sample2-0 -c tt -- /bin/bash

    Run the TimesTen ttVersion utility.


    The output is similar to the following.

    TimesTen Release (64 bit Linux/x86_64) (instance1:6624) 2023-09-29T07:40:22Z
      Instance admin: timesten
      Instance home directory: /tt/home/timesten/instances/instance1
      Group owner: timesten
      Daemon home directory: /tt/home/timesten/instances/instance1/info
      PL/SQL enabled.

    Exit from the shell.


The upgrade to a new release of TimesTen is successful for the sample and the sample2 TimesTenClassic objects. The active and the standby Pods for each TimesTenClassic object are running the new TimesTen image, which contains the new TimesTen release.