Verify Connection to the Active TimesTen Database

You can run the kubectl exec command to invoke shells in your Pods and control TimesTen, which is running in those Pods. By default, TimesTen runs in the Pods as the timesten user. Once you have established a shell in the Pod, verify you can connect to the sample database, and that the information from the metadata files is correct. You can optionally run queries against the database or any other operations.

  1. Establish a shell in the Pod.
    % kubectl exec -it sample-0 -c tt -- /bin/bash
  2. Connect to the sample database. Verify the information in the metadata files is in the database correctly. For example, attempt to connect to the database as the sampleuser user. Check that the PermSize value of 200 is correct. Check that the sampleuser.emp table exists.
     % ttIsql sample
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Type ? or "help" for help, type "exit" to quit ttIsql.
    connect "DSN=sample";
    Connection successful:
    (Default setting AutoCommit=1)
    Command> connect adding "uid=sampleuser;pwd=samplepw" as sampleuser;
    Connection successful:
    (Default setting AutoCommit=1)
    sampleuser: Command> tables;
    1 table found.