About ODP.NET Namespaces

ODP.NET implements the classes, enumerations, interfaces, delegates, and structures of the Oracle.DataAccess.Client and Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespaces.

The Oracle.DataAccess.Client namespace contains implementations of core ADO.NET classes, enumerations for ODP.NET, and ODP.NET-specific classes. The Oracle.DataAccess.Types namespace provides classes, structures, and exceptions for Oracle Database native types that can be used with ODP.NET. See Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide for information about these namespaces beyond what is provided below. You must have access to them in your program as follows:

using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;


When connecting to a TimesTen database from an ODP.NET application, your application can use only ODP.NET features that correspond to features that TimesTen supports. This is reflected in what is supported for the namespaces discussed here.

For example, you cannot use Oracle Streams Advanced Queueing because TimesTen does not support this feature. OracleException objects are thrown when you attempt to use ODP.NET features that are not supported by TimesTen. These exceptions are based on corresponding TimesTen OCI error messages.