Setting TimesTen Connection Attributes in ODP.NET Connection Strings

You can set TimesTen connection attributes within the Password setting of your ODP.NET connection string.

The syntax is as follows:

  • Components of the Password setting, including the password setting itself and any TimesTen connection attribute settings, are delimited by semi-colons.

  • Whenever the Password setting has semi-colons, the entire setting must be quoted.

  • Because the ODP.NET connection string as a whole is quoted, the begin quotation mark and end quotation mark of the Password setting must each be preceded by the "\" escape character.

The following example specifies lion as the password for user scott in TimesTen. It also sets the TimesTen OraclePWD connection attribute, which specifies the password tiger for user scott in Oracle Database, for cache operations.

"Data Source=mysource;User Id=scott;Password=\"lion;OraclePwd=tiger\"";

The next example again specifies lion as the password for scott in TimesTen. This time, it sets the TimesTen OracleNetServiceName connection attribute as well as the OraclePWD connection attribute. OracleNetServiceName specifies the Oracle ID in Oracle Database, with the OraclePWD setting specifying the corresponding password tiger. Finally, this example sets the TimesTen passthrough level to 1.

"Data Source=mysource;User ID=scott;Password=\"lion;OraclePwd=tiger;;passthrough=1\"";

(For general information about TimesTen connection attributes, refer to Connection Attributes in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.)


As always, you can also set TimesTen connection attributes in your TimesTen DSN definition in ODBC Data Source Administrator, as shown in Managing TimesTen Databases in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide. This is not secure, however, so is not advisable for password settings such as the OraclePWD attribute.